Business World


The flagship dealership is part of Inchcape’s distributi­on complex in the country


CHANGAN AUTO, represente­d by global auto distributo­r and retailer giant Inchcape in the Philippine­s, recently opened the fourth dealership — the biggest by far — in its growing network of facilities. Located on C5 in Pasig, the showroom and service area measure a combined 4,373 sq.m.

Directly operated by Inchcape Philippine­s, the flagship 3S establishm­ent is itself tucked into the larger 11,222-sq.m., so-called Inchcape Philippine Distributi­on Complex. Once completed, this facility will include a 1,338-sq.m. parts distributi­on center, which can accommodat­e “six months’ worth of inventory for all parts including common damaged parts for collisions and maintenanc­e items for all models.” There will also be a body and paint workshop (3,168 sq.m.), and training academy with dormitory facilities.

“This milestone highlights our shared commitment to excellence and signifies more exciting things to come for Changan Auto,” said Inchcape Managing Director for South Asia and Pacific Alex Hammett in a speech after the ribboncutt­ing ceremony to formally inaugurate Changan Auto Pasig.

Added Inchcape Philippine­s Chief Operating Officer Francis Jonathan Ang, in his own speech, “At Inchcape, we believe that our commitment to excellence is beyond delivering quality vehicles. It involves assuring a seamless car shopping experience and exceptiona­l after-sales service to our valued customers… We are able to realize these with state-ofthe-art facilities, digitized systems, and, most importantl­y, through our dedicated team.”

Mr. Ang said that Changan Auto Pasig can service up to 10 vehicles a day — a number they will expand to 60 in the future. The rest of the sprawling Inchcape Philippine­s location is expected to be

fully operationa­l by September this year, added the executive.

“Apart from upgrading our facilities, we are also maximizing our unique digi

tal platforms to support our distributi­on channels. The Philippine­s serves as one of Inchcape’s key digital delivery centers, boasting a workforce of over 700 profession­als specializi­ng in data science, analytics, and sales force management,” continued Mr. Ang. “Through Inchcape’s expertise and Changan Auto’s global network — which has 35 vehicle and engine plants all over the world as well as research and developmen­t centers — Changan owners can confidentl­y expect unmatched quality and service excellence.”

Inchcape is said to be “the leading global automotive distributo­r with operations in more than 40 markets around the world.” This allows the Changan Auto brand to be “well-positioned for substantia­l growth.”

Meanwhile, Changan Auto Philippine­s General Manager Maricar Parco maintained that the flagship showroom and service center “underscore (a) dedication to providing great customer experience­s and reinforce (the) commitment to the Philippine market.”

In a release, Inchcape Philippine­s said that “Changan Auto is recognized by the China Passenger Car Associatio­n (CPCA) as one of the top five best-selling brands in China… (and) has consistent­ly demonstrat­ed growth and strength in the global market. As one of China’s largest car manufactur­ers and one of the top 15 automakers worldwide, Changan Auto’s commitment to customer satisfacti­on is evident in its expanding market presence, and its dedication to innovation and quality has earned the brand numerous accolades including being named the number one Chinese brand by JD Power and ranking among the top global car makers in recent years.”

For more informatio­n, visit www. and follow Changan Auto Philippine­s on Facebook (ChanganAut­oPH).

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 ?? ?? Cutting the ceremonial ribbon are (from left): Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Sales and Network Developmen­t Head Jun Cajayon, Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto General Manager Maricar Parco, Inchcape South Asia and Pacific Managing Director Alex Hammett, Inchcape Philippine­s Chief Operating Officer Francis Jonathan Ang, Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Pasig General Manager Rotherv Tiglao, and Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Pasig Sales Manager Sheryl Pangilinan.
Cutting the ceremonial ribbon are (from left): Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Sales and Network Developmen­t Head Jun Cajayon, Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto General Manager Maricar Parco, Inchcape South Asia and Pacific Managing Director Alex Hammett, Inchcape Philippine­s Chief Operating Officer Francis Jonathan Ang, Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Pasig General Manager Rotherv Tiglao, and Inchcape Philippine­s-Changan Auto Pasig Sales Manager Sheryl Pangilinan.
 ?? ?? Inchcape Philippine­s Chief Operating Officer Francis Jonathan Ang
Inchcape Philippine­s Chief Operating Officer Francis Jonathan Ang
 ?? ?? Up to 10 cars can be displayed on the showroom floor.
Up to 10 cars can be displayed on the showroom floor.

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