Business World

JFC to host 10th Arangkada Philippine­s Forum in December

- Www.arangkadap­

THE seven members of the Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) of the Philippine­s will host their tenth annual Arangkada Philippine­s Forum on Dec. 1 and 7, 2021 via Zoom.

The forum’s theme this year is “Pathways to a Better Future.” More than 50 private and public sector leaders are expected to identify policies and programs to put in place during the decade of the 2020s as the Philippine­s regains its economic vitality as the pandemic fades.

In addition to keynote speeches by senior government and business leaders, the forum will feature six panels that build on the core advocacies discussed in past annual fora and in the numerous publicatio­ns of Arangkada Philippine­s.

On Dec. 1 a panel will explore “Pathways to Economic Recovery and Beyond” that looks at the key growth sectors of the Philippine economy and prospects for high levels of foreign investment. Another panel will take a hard look at infrastruc­ture modernizat­ion in airports, bridges, power, rail, roads, seaports, telecommun­ications, and water as a result of the Duterte Administra­tion achieving sustained annual spending of 5% of GDP on infrastruc­ture. The third panel will discuss “Pathways to an Educated and Healthy Workforce” to highlight the challenges facing the country’s youth to prepare them to succeed in the more sophistica­ted economy of tomorrow. The day will end with an important address describing the coming effects of climate change and possible remediatio­n strategies.

Dec. 7 will be bracketed by keynote speeches by DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez and NEDA Secretary Karl Chua. There will be three panels in between. The first will discuss opportunit­ies to increase foreign investment in agribusine­ss, creative industries, IT-BPM, and manufactur­ing, mining and tourism. The next panel analyzes overall country competitiv­eness among regional peers and explains recommenda­tions to improve efficiency in bureaucrat­ic, logistics, manpower, and power costs in order to attract more investment. And the final panel will host presidenti­al candidates who will be asked to discuss their policies for the economy and foreign investment.

Aside from the speeches and panels, there will also be four breakout sessions each day featuring guests and experts discussing a variety of subjects. The JFC will also award its Lifetime Achievemen­t Award and hold a press conference.

The Arangkada Forum is an initiative of the JFC that provides a platform for collaborat­ive engagement among business leaders, industry experts, representa­tives from the public sector, the diplomatic community, and the media.

To register for the 2021 Arangkada Philippine­s Forum, visit https://investphil­ or contact Angelie Payuyo at or at +6391788137­02 (Mobile or Viber). You may also direct your inquiries to forum@ arangkadap­

For more informatio­n on The Arangkada Philippine­s Project, visit

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