Business World

US sees no material impact from virus on US-China trade contract — for now


RIYADH — US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Reuters he does not expect the coronaviru­s disease 2019 (COVID -19) outbreak to have a material impact on the Phase 1 US-China trade deal, although that could change as more data becomes available in coming weeks.

Finance officials from the world’s 20 largest economies said on Sunday they would keep a close watch on the fast-spreading outbreak, but stopped short of identifyin­g it as downside risk to the global economy.

Fears of a COVID-19 pandemic mounted even as they met in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, with sharp rises in new cases reported in Iran, Italy and South Korea.

Mnuchin, in an interview with Reuters late on Sunday, cautioned against jumping to conclusion­s about the impact of what he called a “human tragedy” on the global economy, or on companies’ supply chain decisions, saying it was simply too soon to know.

China was focused on the virus for now, he said, but Washington still expected Beijing to live up to its commitment­s to buy more US products and services under the trade deal.

“I don’t expect that this will have any ramificati­ons on Phase 1. Based on everything that we know, and where the virus is now,

I don’t expect that it’s going to be material,” he said.

“Obviously that could change as the situation develops. Within the next few more weeks, we’ll all have a better assessment as there’s more data around the rate of the virus spreading.”

Mnuchin acknowledg­ed the outbreak could also delay the start of negotiatio­ns on deepening the trade deal with Beijing and reaching a Phase 2 agreement, but said he was not worried about that at this point.

“If we get the right deal before the election, that’s great. If we get the right deal after the election, that’s great. We don’t feel any pressure one way or another,” he said, referring to the Nov. 3 US presidenti­al election, in which President Donald Trump is seeking reelection.

Mnuchin noted that the contagion factor with COVID-19, the acronym for the virus, was higher than with the SARS outbreak in China in the early 2000s, but said the survival rate appeared to be much higher.

In a separate news conference, he said there could be some shortterm impact on supply chains, but cautioned against the idea that it could increase concerns about globalizat­ion. Big companies were always assessing risks and adjusting supply chains, he added. —

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