The Pak Banker

Bank Nizwa inaugurate­s new branch in Al Amerat


Committed to expanding its reach across the Sultanate of Oman, Bank Nizwa, the leading and most trusted Islamic bank in the country, recently inaugurate­d a new branch in Al Amerat, marking the 23rd addition to its robust branch network.

The opening ceremony was held under the auspices of H.E Sheikh Salem bin Rabie Al-Sunaidi, Wali of Willayat Al Amerat, and witnessed the presence of Mr. Khaled Al Kayed, Chief Executive Officer at Bank Nizwa, along with several members from the bank’s executive management.

This strategic expansion underscore­s the bank’s dedication to offering communitie­s across the country unparallel­ed Sharia-compliant banking solutions that align with their values and beliefs.

One of the fastest growing cities in Muscat governorat­e, in recent years Al Amerat has evolved into a dynamic community, experienci­ng rapid developmen­t and significan­t population growth.

This burgeoning locale presents an ideal setting for Bank Nizwa's expansion, allowing the bank to extend its comprehens­ive suite of products and services to a diverse population.

This strategic move emphasizes the bank's commitment to reaching new customers, while establishi­ng a central presence within the communitie­s it serves.

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Khaled Al Kayed said, “The opening of our Al Amerat branch is a pivotal milestone in Bank Nizwa’s journey. It not only signifies the growth of the bank, but also reaffirms our aim to be a trusted financial partner for all.

The region’s dynamic growth and vibrant community make it a crucial area for extending our innovative banking services.

By establishi­ng a presence in Al Amerat, our goal is to provide accessible and comprehens­ive Islamic financial solutions, enhancing our ability to meet the needs of local residents and businesses more effectivel­y.”

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