The Pak Banker

Mountainee­r found mummified 22 years after vanishing in Peru



The preserved body of an American mountainee­r who disappeare­d 22 years ago while scaling a snowy peak in Peru, has been found after being exposed by climate change-induced ice melt, police said Monday.

William Stampfl was reported missing in June 2002, aged 59, when an avalanche buried his climbing party on the Huascaran mountain, which stands more than 6,700 metres high. Search and rescue efforts were fruitless.

Peruvian police said his remains were finally exposed by ice melt on the Cordillera Blanca range of the Andes.


In the Court of Khawar Ali Shah Judge Family Court Lahore. Suit For Recovery of Maintenanc­e Allowance etc

Tite: lram Tariq etc Vs Nabeel Amjad etc

Ntoic to Nabeel Amjad s/o Amjad Tanveer r /o House no 37 Block B Sabza Zar Qazi Town Multan Road Lahore at Present Flat No 92 Bugluf Budge Sharja 66751 Sharja United Arab Emirates. WHEREAS the services of the above mentioned respondent are not possible through Ordinary means. Therefore, they are directed to attend this court personally or through recognized agent or through their counsel on 12.07.2024 at 8:00 hours. Otherwise ex-parte proceeding shall be taken against them. Given under my hand and seal of the Court.


In the Court of Miss Nabila Zaheer Sahiba Judge Family Court Gujrat

Case title Kanwal Shahzadi etc Vs Mahseem Abbas Notice to Mahseem Abbas S/O Sabir Hussain R/O Muhallah Baghdad Colony G.T Road Gujrat Presently Residence Portugal, Suit for Maintenanc­e Allowance etc. The above mentioned defendeds are not be served in ordinary way. It is therefore proclaimed that If the said defended with not appear personally or through a duly authorized agent or pleader in court at 8 AM on 12-07-2024 the proceeding­s will be taken ex-part against you.


n the Court of MUHAMMAD BILAL BAIG SB Judge Banking Court House No 287 Block C khiyabaan-eSarwar Dera Ghazi Khan.

Suit No 53/24 Title: BAF Layyah VS Muhammad Saleem khan S/O Rasheed Ahmad Khan R/O House # 248 Ward No 10, Mohallah Shaikhan Wala, Layyah. PROCLAMATI­ON U/S(9(5) FINANCIAL INSTITUTIO­N RECOVERY OF FINANCES ORDINANCE 46 OF 2001 WHEREAS the aforesaid plaintiff has instituted a suit against you and other for recovery of Rs. 194703.70/ along with markup / interest and cost etc. claimed to be payable by you. Proclamati­on U/S 9(5) ordinance 46 of 2001 to the above is hereby issued requiring you to make within 30 days of this proclamati­on, an applicatio­n for leave to defendant the suit. Taken notice that on your failure to file such applicatio­n within time specified above the Banking Court shall pass a decree as prayed from the plaint. Next date for further proceeding­s, in the case has been fixed on 17.07.2024. Judge Banking court DG Khan

Stampfl’s body, as well as his clothes, harness and boots had been well-preserved by the cold, according to images distribute­d by police.

His passport was found among his possession­s, allowing police to identify the body.

The mountains of north-eastern Peru, home to snowy peaks such as Huascaran and Cashan, are a favourite with mountainee­rs from around the world.

In May, the body of an Israeli hiker was found there nearly a month after he disappeare­d.

And last month, an experience­d Italian mountainee­r was found dead after he fell while trying to scale another Andean peak. -REUTERS


I, Muhammad Ashraf resident of Chak Abdul Khaliq Tahsil Dina District Jhelum, do hereby disinherit my son Adnan Ashraf from my all moveable and immovable propertirs due to his involvemen­t in immoral and homosexual activites in the UK. I have no more connection with my afore-named son from now and l shall not be responsibl­e for his any actions whatsoever.


From the office of Arbitratio­n Council Municipal Comety Kharian.

Final Notice for Nomination of Representa­tives Formation of Arbitratio­n Council Divorce Case

Case No. 44/MCK dated 23-04-2024. Under Section 7. Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961. First party: Sarfaraz Ahmed s/o Taj Muhammad resident of house no. AC 4358 mohalla Shafiabad near Eid Gah GT Road Gujrat presently residing in Finland.

Second Party: Kainat Saba d/o Muhammad Ilyaas Shaheen resident of house no.283 M adina Colony mohalla Mujahid Colony Kharian presently residing abroad.

It is hereby written to inform the second party that the divorce notice dated 03-03-2024 from the first party has been received by this office on 23-04-2024 against the second party. In which notices were sent to the parties for the formation of the Arbitratio­n Council. The arbitral representa­tive has not yet been appointed by the second party. And no such informatio­n has been sent to this office. In this case, the next hearing date has been fixed on 23-07-2024.

If the nomination is not made by the specified date, then the process will be unilateral­ly executed and an effective divorce certificat­e will be issued. No excuses will be accepted later. You will be responsibl­e for all costs and expenses.


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