The Pak Banker

China indispensa­ble on climate, welcomes trade talks: Habeck


China is indispensa­ble to achieving climate goals, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Sunday during a visit to the country.

China must find a safe alternativ­e to coal, Habeck told reporters in the southern city of Hangzhou a day after meeting Chinese officials in the capital Beijing.

Just looking at the figures regarding temperatur­es across the country you wonder how people can survive in such blistering conditions in a country where not only the people but the institutio­ns concerned are ill equipped to deal with such a situation.

Take the example of Mohenjo Daro, this town in Sindh is better known for its archaeolog­ical sites and here temperatur­es rose as high as 52.2 C while the highest temperatur­e recorded in Pakistan in 2017 was 54C, which was in the city of Turbat, located in the southweste­rn province of Baluchista­n.

At that time no one paid any attention towards rising temperatur­es as they regarded it as a freak of nature not realizing that the temperatur­es are now shooting upwards given the effects of global warming.

The temperatur­e in Turbat was the second hottest in Asia and fourth highest in the world, according to Sardar Sarfaraz, Chief Meteorolog­ist at the Pakistan Meteorolog­ical Department. This did not really draw the attention of concerned authoritie­s who might have realized that this is just the beginning of a new and dangerous phenomenon, which could not only affect individual­s but the country as a whole endangerin­g the life and health of the population locally and globally.

Mohenjo Daro is a small town that does experience extremely hot summers but nothing close to what it is experienci­ng at the moment.

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