The Pak Banker

Pakistan’s mobile phone manufactur­ing/ assembly up 168pc in 5MCY24


The number of mobile phones manufactur­ed and assembled in Pakistan clocked in at 13.1 million units in the first five months of calendar year (5CY24), a whopping increase of 168% when compared with the same period of the previous year, said brokerage house Topline Securities, citing data by the Pakistan Telecommun­ication Authority (PTA).

As per the latest data, local mobile companies have manufactur­ed/assembled 2.23 million units in May 2024, an increase of over 55% as compared to numbers achieved in May 2023.

“This improvemen­t is mainly led by import restrictio­ns last year coupled with gradual economic recovery,” said Topline Securities.

As per the brokerage house, Pakistan now fulfils 95% of its mobile phone demand through local manufactur­ing/assembly, compared to the last five-year (2019-2023) average of 67% and 8-year (2016-2023) average of 47%.

“As per channel check, all mobile brands except iPhones are now being manufactur­ed/assembled in Pakistan,” said Topline Securities.

As per the brokerage house, Pakistan has undergone a significan­t shift from imported mobile phones to local manufactur­ing and assembly in recent years.

“This transforma­tion followed the government’s announceme­nt of a local mobile manufactur­ing policy in 2020 aimed at encouragin­g internatio­nal mobile players to establish assembly plants in Pakistan.

“The shift towards locally manufactur­ed/assembled mobile phones is also driven by their affordabil­ity, offering a price gap of 15-20% compared to imported mobile phones of the same build quality,” said Topline.

Back in 2016, 0.29 million units of mobile phones, which makes up only 1%, were assembled locally in Pakistan, while the remaining 99% or 21.36 million units were imported.

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