The Pak Banker

Spain pledges 1b in military aid to Kyiv as Zelensky visits


Spain on Monday pledged one billion euros in military aid to Ukraine as Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a security deal in Madrid.

The deal “includes a commitment for one billion euros in military aid for 2024,” Sanchez told a joint news conference

“It will allow Ukraine to boost its capabiliti­es including its essential air defence systems to protect its civilians, cities and infrastruc­ture which are still suffering indiscrimi­nate attacks as seen this weekend in Kharkiv,” he said, referring to a Russian strike on the northeaste­rn city that killed at least 16 people.

Zelensky’s visit comes as Ukraine has been battling a Russian ground offensive in the Kharkiv region which began on May 10 in Moscow’s biggest territoria­l advance in 18 months. With the Russian assault now in its third year, Ukraine has been pleading for more weapons for its outgunned and outnumbere­d troops, notably seeking help to address its lack of air defence systems.

According to El Pais newspaper, the deal would include new Patriot missiles and Leopard tanks. Zelensky has already signed bilateral security agreements with several countries including France, Germany and the UK.

Sanchez said the security agreement would cover a range of a different issues.

“The agreement is based on a comprehens­ive overview of security and covers various areas such as military, humanitari­an and financial support, as well as collaborat­ion between Spanish and Ukrainian defence industries, as well as help with reconstruc­tion and de-mining among other things,” he said.

Until now, Madrid has only provided limited military aid to Kyiv.

According to the Kiel Institute – which tracks weapons pledged and delivered to Ukraine since the Russian invasion – Spain has so far committed 330 million euros in military aid, making it a small contributo­r on a European level.

By comparison, Berlin, Paris and Rome have committed 18.61 billion, 5.65 billion and 1.0 billion euros respective­ly, while London’s contributi­on stands at 9.22 billion, the figures show.

 ?? -AFP ?? KABUL
Russia will host the Taliban and Afghan politician­s opposed to President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday, Russian and Taliban sources said, promoting its role of power broker in what a US official called an attempt to “muddle” the US-backed peace process.
-AFP KABUL Russia will host the Taliban and Afghan politician­s opposed to President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday, Russian and Taliban sources said, promoting its role of power broker in what a US official called an attempt to “muddle” the US-backed peace process.

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