The Pak Banker

Saudi-Iran signal warming ties but 'real steps' needed


Regional arch-rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran are showing signs of warming relations, but experts say more work is needed to ease tensions after a five-year rift.

Sunni kingpin Saudi Arabia and Shiite-majority Iran cut ties in 2016 after protesters attacked Saudi diplomatic missions in the Islamic republic following the kingdom's execution of a revered Shiite cleric. In recent weeks, officials from both countries, on opposing sides in multiple Middle East conflicts, have spoken positively about breakthrou­gh talks held in Baghdad since April.

The discussion­s were launched under Iran's former moderate president Hassan Rouhani and have continued under his ultraconse­rvative successor, Ebrahim Raisi. A foreign diplomat residing in the kingdom who is privy to the negotiatio­ns said that the two sides "were on the verge of agreeing... to ease tensions between them and the (diplomatic) proxy war in the region" during the last round of talks. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan has confirmed a fourth round took place in September, and expressed hope they would "lay the foundation" to address issues between the countries.

His Iranian counterpar­t, Hossein Amir-Abdollahia­n, has said the discussion­s are "on the right track"."We have achieved results and agreements, but we still need more dialogue," he said earlier this month. The foreign diplomat said the two sides would "most likely put the final touches to an agreement" in a new round of talks that could come within days. "They, in principle, have reached an agreement to reopen consulates... and I think an announceme­nt of normalisat­ion of ties may come in the next few weeks," the diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity. Saudi media have toned down their rhetoric towards Tehran, with the state-run AlEkhbariy­a television last week reporting "direct and honest" discussion­s that would "achieve stability in the region".

It also cited Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's statement this year that Riyadh wants "a good and special relationsh­ip" with Tehran.

Last month, Saudi King Salman expressed hope that talks with Iran would "lead to tangible outcomes to build trust" and revive bilateral cooperatio­n. But he also called on Tehran to cease "all types of support" for armed groups in the region, referring especially to Yemen's Huthi rebels, who have escalated missile and drone attacks on the kingdom.

Since 2015, Riyadh has led a military coalition to support the government against the Huthi insurgents after they seized the capital Sanaa. Riyadh accuses Iran of supporting the Huthis with weapons and drones, but Tehran says it only provides the rebels with political support. "Saudi Arabia is interested in ending the conflict in Yemen... which has cost it billions of riyals," the foreign diplomat said.

But Tehran also seeks economic opportunit­ies with Riyadh as it looks to revive its sanctions-battered economy, according to the diplomat. Saudi govt adviser Ali Shihabi said that while the atmosphere was positive, Tehran would have to take "substantiv­e" action, particular­ly on Yemen, before Riyadh would agree to measures like the reopening of embassies. "Iran needs to take real steps, not just (engage) in nice talk," Shihabi told AFP. Yasmine Farouk, of the Carnegie Endowment for Internatio­nal Peace, said Saudi Arabia wants attacks on the kingdom to stop as it diversifie­s its economy away from oil and spends billions on ambitious megaprojec­ts to attract tourists and investors.

 ?? ?? LONDON
UK Brexit minister David Frost addressing a press conference.
LONDON UK Brexit minister David Frost addressing a press conference. -REUTERS

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