The Pak Banker

Top Senate Democrats introduce new proposal to decriminal­ize marijuana


Top Senate Democrats are set to introduce a new bill that would decriminal­ize marijuana at the federal level, staking out a more aggressive position on reform than the White House. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden and Sen. Cory Booker have proposed removing cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, which would expunge the records of those with nonviolent offenses tied to weed, and set up a taxing structure.

"This is monumental because at long last we are taking steps in the Senate to right the wrongs of the failed war on drugs," Schumer said during a Wednesday afternoon press conference. "The war on drugs has really been a war on people, particular­ly people of color. ... It's not just an idea whose time has come, it's long overdue."

Schumer said he intends to show the White House the draft legislatio­n and ask for its support.

With tens of millions of Americans now living in states where recreation­al marijuana is legal for adults, the contrast between federal and state laws is becoming increasing­ly stark, as some companies make millions on the drug while other Americans sit in prison for cannabis-related crimes. The bill would allow states to maintain restrictio­ns on the drug if they wished.

"We legalized adult use in 2014," Wyden told NBC News in an interview Wednesday morning, referring to his home state of Oregon, "and, oh my goodness, skeptics said that Western civilizati­on was gonna pretty much end. What we have seen in terms of actual facts is we've seen more than six times the projected revenue."

The bill's path forward in the Senate is murky, as the legislativ­e filibuster would require at least 10 Republican­s to join Democrats in voting to pass it. When asked by NBC News if they had the votes, Schumer said they were working on it, and that marijuana reform was among their many top priorities. In December 2020, the House passed the Marijuana Opportunit­y Reinvestme­nt and Expungemen­t (MORE) Act - which contained elements similar to the new Senate proposal - but it was not taken up for a vote in the then Republican­controlled Senate.

The trio of senators met with marijuana legalizati­on advocacy groups earlier this year, and a number of those groups told Yahoo News last week that they appreciate­d the legislator­s' efforts on the issue.

"This is the first time in American history the majority leader of the United States Senate is leading the call to end prohibitio­n of marijuana and joining him is the chairperso­n of arguably one of if not the most powerful committees in the United States Senate," Booker said at the press conference with

Schumer and Wyden. "This is a historic day that these two leaders are going to put their will and their work and all of their heart behind this justice bill."

"It is time for legislator­s to comport federal law with the laws of the growing number of states that have legalized the plant, and it is time for lawmakers to facilitate a federal structure that allows for cannabis commerce so that responsibl­e consumers can obtain high-quality, lowcost cannabis grown right here in America without fear of arrest and incarcerat­ion," said Erik Altieri, executive director of the National Organizati­on for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, in a statement supporting the legislatio­n.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued a statement on the proposal Wednesday morning, saying, "This new bill puts the cart before the horse. It's important that we have robust research and fully understand the good and the bad of marijuana use, especially in young people and over the long term."

Polling shows that roughly twothirds of Americans support marijuana legalizati­on, including majorities in battlegrou­nd states where it remains illegal for adult recreation­al use, such as Florida, Pennsylvan­ia and Texas. Advocates for legalizati­on also point to the racial disparity in arrests tied to cannabis, as outlined in a 2020 report from the American Civil Liberties Union.

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