The Pak Banker

Emerging realities


THE pandemic still rages, but we are an impatient race, and eager to look ahead. One burning question is whether Covid-19 will usher in a new global order, and if so, what it will look like. Whatever the answer, Pakistan is likely to be ill-prepared unless it rallies and rejigs its anachronis­tic foreign policy approach.

The geopolitic­al question is sparked by intensifyi­ng US-China tensions. Pre-coronaviru­s tariff and trade scuffles have escalated into propaganda wars as both superpower­s blame each other for the spread of the virus. In the US, President Donald Trump’s insistence on referring to the ‘Chinese virus’ has had the desired effect a Pew poll conducted in March showed that 66 per cent of Americans have an unfavourab­le view of China, the highest percentage since Pew began to ask the question in 2005.

China, meanwhile, has pounced on the opportunit­y presented by the US’s bumbling and isolationi­st approach to the pandemic to demonstrat­e its fitness for seizing control of global governance. While the US and UK stumble over attempts to ramp up Covid-19 testing, China has launched a plan to test every resident of Wuhan. Chinese newspapers daily gloat about how their government’s lockdown approach to controllin­g the virus has been adopted worldwide.

And while Western countries block each other’s access to medical supplies, China has emerged as a global saviour, ramping up production of face masks, respirator­s and ventilator­s and generously distributi­ng them across the world. The Serbian president captured shifting perception­s of China well when he dismissed European unity as a ‘fairy tale’ and pointed to China as the only country that could credibly help his people.

So is a new cold war imminent? Not in the near term. The US and China are too economical­ly linked for an immediate fallout to occur.

China is the US’s third-largest and fastest-growing destinatio­n for export, and the largest foreign holder of US Treasury securities. The two countries recently agreed to narrow the trade deficit, with China promising to purchase an extra $200 billion of goods from the US. Washington will not be in a position to snub Chinese demand as it finds ways to fund pandemic support packages and bailouts. (Ironically, the US will also have to turn to China to purchase critical medical supplies, given that its national stockpile has only 1pc of masks and respirator­s and 10pc of ventilator­s needed to manage the pandemic.)

China, for its part, cannot lose its largest source of foreign demand as exports account for 20pc of its GDP, and given that growth was already dwindling before the pandemic hit. China also continues to need access to US tech and innovation, dollar markets and integratio­n with global supply chains that also include the US.

But the pandemic has thrown up existentia­l questions for all states, the answers to which may set the stage for a bipolar, US-versus-China global framework going forward. Democracy or authoritar­ianism? Protection­ism or authoritar­ianism? State or private sector? Centralisa­tion or regionalis­ation? As countries decide which way they lean as part of their response to the pandemic, they will find themselves naturally gravitatin­g to one or the other superpower.

There are still many moving parts that could disrupt or delay such bifurcatio­n of the emerging world order. The role and value of multilater­al institutio­ns such as the UN (and its bodies like the WHO) may yet be rehabilita­ted as we find our way out of the pandemic.

Ad hoc, issue-based multilater­alism by middle-tier countries may also emerge as the new norm.

There are several recent examples of countries finding themselves alienated by both the US and Chinese approach and forging new alliances to tackle issues. For example, Australia and Japan collaborat­ed to create the TPP-11 trade alliance after the US withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p soon after Trump came to power.

Other issues around which dynamic, multilater­al coalitions that are not dominated by the US or China may emerge over coming decades include climate change, regionalis­ed supply chains, corporate transparen­cy and tax evasion, digital cyber surveillan­ce.

Pakistan’s foreign policy approach is not agile enough to coast over these shifting geopolitic­al sands. A kneejerk, anti-India approach will be counterpro­ductive in a world where alliances will coalesce and dissolve on an issue-by-issue basis. Nor can we take comfort from being China’s satellite state; there will always be key issues (IMF debt, Afghanista­n) over which the US will have ultimate sway.

The pandemic presents us with a window to prepare for the emerging global order, by throwing a spotlight on alliances, markets, supply chains, and national values.

Let’s not squander it, and instead boost the quality of our diplomatic cadres and policies so that Pakistan is ready for what’s to come.



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