Times of Oman

Blocking illegal firearms made by 3-D printers


In the 1993 thriller In the Line of Fire, a would-be assassin painstakin­gly builds a plastic gun that he could slip past magnetomet­ers — and into a room with the president. Nowadays, all he would have to do is press “print.” Manufactur­ing plastic guns is no longer the stuff of Hollywood; it’s an easy and inexpensiv­e process. The ever-wider availabili­ty of 3-D printers allows all sorts of people to create all sorts of objects, including firearms, given the right schematics. Defense Distribute­d, an early innovator in this field, created and distribute­d blueprints for a plastic handgun in 2013, before the federal government ordered the group to take them down. By that time, the informatio­n had already been copied, and it remains accessible. Since 2013, enthusiast­s have created plastic revolvers and plastic rifles, and they have used 3-D printers to fashion gun parts that turn semiautoma­tic guns into fully automatic weapons. The 1988 Undetectab­le Firearms Act banned the production, transfer and possession of guns that magnetomet­ers can’t detect, requiring at least 3.7 ounces of steel to be in every firearm created or carried in the United States. Congress reauthoris­ed the law in 2013. That’s better than nothing, but it’s not enough. Legislator­s should have made the law stronger, as Representa­tive Steve Israel, Democrat-New York, proposed doing last week.

Israel argues that the act contains a large loophole. A profession­al or amateur gun-maker can legally produce a plastic weapon with a removable chunk of steel in it and legally sell or give it to someone else, who could easily discard the metal element and carry a deadly weapon anywhere. Israel wants to require producers and sellers of plastic guns to include a metal piece that can’t be removed. If outfits such as Defense Distribute­d wanted to enable people to build legal firearms, they would have to create schematics for weapons that contain critical, functional elements made of steel.

If, that is, the State Department lets them. State has moved to restrict online publicatio­n of “technical data” that can be used to construct weapons, demanding that federal officials give their approval first. The government claims that distributi­ng, say, plastic gun schematics online is essentiall­y an export of sensitive weapons informatio­n to foreign countries, and State has the authority to regulate arms exports under a Cold War-era law aimed at preventing weapons informatio­n from falling into Soviet hands. Keeping plastic gun schematics away from foreign terrorist organisati­ons is a worthy national security goal now. Worthy, but near-impossibly hard. We can’t blame State for trying, but we put more hope in Israel’s initiative to restrict the production of undetectab­le plastic weapons.

His policy wouldn’t end the threat; the determined would still be able to work around it. But it would help reduce the number of undetectab­le guns in circulatio­n.

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