Oman Daily Observer

China cashing out as mobile payment soars


Yang Qianqian holds out her smartphone to scan a barcode on the mobile of a vendor selling fresh fruit and vegetables at a bustling outdoor market in Beijing. The dance student is part of an explosion in the use of mobile payment platforms in China as consumers increasing­ly take out phones instead of cash to pay for everything from a coffee to a language class or a gas bill. “Even though I have cash on me it’s not convenient to get it when I am carrying a lot of bags,” said Yang, 25, clutching plastic bags filled with pears, potatoes and watermelon.

The gross merchandis­e value of third party mobile payment rose more than 200 per cent to 38 trillion yuan ($5.6 trillion) in 2016 from a year earlier, according to China-based iResearch.

The growth of the cash-free system has been supported by China’s rapidly expanding e-commerce market as Chinese shoppers increasing­ly shun bricks and mortar stores.

“I think it’s really very possible that China becomes the first or one of the first cashless societies in the next decade,” said Ben Cavender, a director at China Market Research Group.

Cavender estimates China’s mobile payment market is already 40-50 times larger than the United States.

Alipay, started by e-commerce giant Alibaba and now owned by its affiliate Ant Financial, and WeChat Pay, which is built into Tencent’s popular messaging service, have hundreds of millions of users between them and are China’s dominant payment platforms.

In Beijing it is hard to find a product or a service that cannot be purchased with a mobile.

At the fresh produce market, stallholde­rs display barcodes on tables laden with fruit and vegetables for customers like Yang to scan.

Some restaurant­s in the capital no longer accept bank notes while it is common for motorbike taxis, street food carts and hair salons to offer mobile payment.

Mobile accounted for eight per cent of the total value of retail payments in 2015 and is expected to reach 12 per cent in 2020, according to a report published in April by UN-backed Better Than Cash Alliance. A key attraction of mobile payment is convenienc­e. But some have been reluctant converts to the cashless system. Among them is a 63-year-old woman surnamed Song who hand-knitted sunflowers and peashooter­s in Beijing.

She prefers cash but accepts mobile payment customers do not carry real money. because sells some

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