Oman Daily Observer

Tripartite stakeholde­rs hold talks with Singapore officials


SINGAPORE: A delegation representi­ng tripartite production stakeholde­rs (Government, Employers and Workers) on Tuesday officials in Singapore National Employers Federation and Ministry of Manpower, within the framework of the current several-day visit of the delegation to Singapore.

The delegation familiariz­ed itself with fields of social dialogue between the tripartite production stakeholde­rs at the national and sectoral levels, as well as acquaintin­g with work mechanisms followed in solving disputes.

The delegation also familiariz­ed itself with major legislatio­ns and laws governing areas of training.

The delegation of the tripartite production stakeholde­rs is led by Said bin Saleh al Kiyoumi, Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) with participat­ion of Nabhan al Battashi, Chairman of the General Federation of Oman Trade Union, Khalid al Rawahi, Director General of Manpower in the Governorat­e of Dhofar, managers of human resources at companies and establishm­ents of the private sector, heads and members of trade unions representi­ng workers of the Sultanate in Orpic, Sohar Aluminium, Voltamp, Occidental and Oman Cement among other companies. The visit, organized by OCCI, aims at viewing legislatio­ns and laws governing the relation between employers and workers, labour laws and regularizi­ng labour market in Singapore, in addition to familiariz­ing with initiative­s of employers to enhance dialogue with workers and mechanism of coordinati­on between employers and trade unions in social dialogue. — ONA

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