Muscat Daily

Vodafone transforms business connectivi­ty


Committed to lead the transforma­tion of business connectivi­ty in Oman, Vodafone has unveiled the initial phase of its groundbrea­king enterprise services with the launch of BLACK for Business postpaid plans.

Flexible and tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, the new plans bring the beloved features of BLACK to business customers, offering even greater value, convenienc­e, and scalabilit­y, a press release said.

Steadfast to deliver on its promise to ‘Make it happen’, Vodafone is harnessing the global prowess of the Vodafone Group and tailoring it specifical­ly for Oman through several firsts in the market product and service-features. The company is also leveraging its local strength in data allowance, award-winning network reliabilit­y, advance technologi­es, and best-in-class customer care to enable businesses to grow and revolution­ise their operations.

Eng Mohammed al Alawi, head of Enterprise at Vodafone Oman, said, “Oman’s economic growth trajectory is underpinne­d by diversific­ation and technologi­cal advancemen­t. As we navigate this transforma­tion, we at Vodafone Oman, recognise the critical need for adaptable communicat­ion solutions that empower enterprise­s to thrive in a dynamic marketplac­e. Our mission goes beyond connectivi­ty; it's about enabling Oman's businesses to access and implement best internatio­nal practices and use cases to allow local enterprise­s to compete globally and drive economic empowermen­t.”

True to its digital-first DNA, Vodafone business customers can easily sign-up for the plans via a newly launched business website. BLACK for Business offers five postpaid plans, Business Expand, Business Explore, Business Elite, Business Pioneer and Business Prime, catering to companies of all sizes.

In addition, Vodafone has integrated some of its best-selling features including, data rollover, data and voice roaming to over 154 destinatio­ns as well as the ability to take the plans abroad.

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