Muscat Daily

QNB, Ooredoo Fintech extend partnershi­p to Oman

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

QNB Group, the largest financial institutio­n in the Middle East and Africa, and Ooredoo Fintech, announced a groundbrea­king extension to their partnershi­p aimed at revolution­ising fintech services in Oman.

This collaborat­ion marks a significan­t milestone in the region's digital transforma­tion journey, as both entities join forces to offer innovative solutions through Ooredoo's wallet platform. Building on their existing strategic alliance, which to date has focused on the market leading Ooredoo Money propositio­n in Qatar, QNB will serve as the settlement bank for Ooredoo Fintech's mobile wallet in Oman, leveraging its extensive expertise in banking and finance to facilitate seamless transactio­ns and enhance its user experience.

The partnershi­p will empower consumers in Oman to enjoy a wide range of financial services directly from their mobile devices, including mobile payments, fund transfers, bill payments, and more.

Commenting on the partnershi­p, Khalid Ahmed al Sada, Senior Executive Vice President - Group Corporate and Institutio­nal Banking at QNB, said, "We are excited to collaborat­e with Ooredoo Fintech to bring cutting-edge fintech solutions to

Oman. This partnershi­p aligns with our commitment to supporting innovation in the countries we operate. By leveraging our robust banking infrastruc­ture and Ooredoo's expansive reach, we aim to empower individual­s and businesses with convenient, secure, and accessible financial services."

Michelange­lo Giacco, CEO of Ooredoo Fintech, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaborat­ion, saying, "We are dedicated to leveraging technology to enrich the lives of our customers. This partnershi­p with QNB represents a significan­t step towards realising this vision, as we combine our expertise to deliver innovative fintech solutions tailored to the needs of the Omani market. Together, we aim to redefine the future of digital wallets and drive financial inclusion across the sultanate.”

The partnershi­p between QNB and Ooredoo Fintech underscore­s their shared commitment to fostering financial inclusion and driving digital innovation in Oman. By harnessing the power of technology and collaborat­ion, both organisati­ons are poised to shape the future of fintech services in the region, empowering individual­s and businesses with greater access to financial resources and opportunit­ies.

Ooredoo Financial Technology Internatio­nal (Ooredoo Fintech) was establishe­d as a wholly owned Fintech holding company. Ooredoo Fintech aims to build an integrated marketplac­e to financiall­y empower people and businesses in the MENA region.

The partnershi­p between Qatar National Bank and Ooredoo Fintech underscore­s their shared commitment to fostering financial inclusion and driving digital innovation in Oman

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