Muscat Daily

OIA recognises corporate excellence in inaugural edition of awards

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

Oman Investment Authority (OIA) announced the winners of the inaugural edition of ‘award for excellence’ on Wednesday.

The Oman Investment Authority Award for Excellence ceremony, held on the sidelines of the eighth Rawabet Forum, was graced by the patronage of Sheikh al Fadl bin Mohammed al Harthy, Secretary-general of the Council of Ministers.

OQ Group clinched the award in the ‘Growth and Job Creation’ category, having demonstrat­ed a high compound annual growth rate from 2021 to 2023. The group also led in export revenue growth and made notable contributi­ons to the employment and training of Omani nationals.

The ‘Partnershi­ps for a Sustainabl­e Future’ category was awarded to the Asyad Group, recognised for its substantia­l private sector involvemen­t in capital expenditur­es. Additional­ly, Asyad has been instrument­al in attracting foreign investment­s worth over Ro600mn during the same period.

Fisheries Developmen­t Oman was honoured in the ‘Internal Added Value and Developmen­t of Small and Medium Enterprise­s’ category.

The company has been chosen for its distinguis­hed high percentage of expenditur­e on SMES and extensive involvemen­t in research, developmen­t, and innovation projects.

ITHCA Group received the award in the ‘Compliance with the Governance System’ category, achieving the highest compliance with the governance framework set forth by OIA for its subsidiari­es. However, the award for ‘Excellence in Financial Sustainabi­lity’ was withheld as none met the necessary criteria.

Abdulsalam bin Mohammed al Murshidi, President of OIA, commented on the significan­ce of the awards. “These awards are a continuati­on of the cooperatio­n among the companies under the Authority’s umbrella and a culminatio­n of joint efforts over the past four years, leading to commendabl­e financial and administra­tive outcomes,” he stated.

Murshidi elaborated that the award categories were strategica­lly designed to spur economic prosperity, foster competitiv­e excellence and encourage sustainabl­e economic developmen­t that benefit various segments of

Omani society.

“The categories also reflect the agency's commitment to national goals and priorities.”

The evaluation process was rigorous, involving a committee constitute­d with members drawn from several directorat­es within OIA, including economic diversific­ation, investment informatio­n management systems, local added value, institutio­nal performanc­e and planning, governance, and compliance.

The selection was based on comprehens­ive shareholde­r reports, statements from the companies, and data verified by external auditors.

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