Muscat Daily

ESO, Veolia renew ties for capacity building, awareness of Omanis


To support the Namat Environmen­tal Advocacy Competitio­n for schools across Oman and to collaborat­e on Omani capacity building in relevant areas, Veolia Oman has entered into a twoyear sponsorshi­p pact with the Environmen­t Society of Oman.

As a leading environmen­tal management company, Veolia Oman has been a longstandi­ng partner of Environmen­t Society of Oman (ESO) in promoting environmen­tal stewardshi­p practices. The partnershi­p aligns with ESO’S objective to educate and raise awareness on environmen­tal issues and enable the public to become more actively involved in the conservati­on of the environmen­t.

Veolia Oman has agreed to support the capacity building of Omanis, focusing on the management of non-government­al organisati­ons and environmen­tal conservati­on. The company will also support the next two editions of the Namat Environmen­tal Advocacy Competitio­n.

Organised by ESO and in collaborat­ion with the Ministry of Education, Namat aims to raise environmen­tal awareness and provide young environmen­tal champions a platform to share their innovative ideas and projects. By nurturing the next generation’s passion for sustainabi­lity, it plays a significan­t role in shaping a greener future for Oman. Veolia Oman has been sponsoring the competitio­n since its inception in 2019. So far, close to 500 government schools across Oman have participat­ed in the Namat Competitio­n.

“I want to take this opportunit­y to express my gratitude and appreciati­on for Veolia’s continued support of building the capacity of environmen­tal advocates and its generous sponsorshi­p of the Namat Environmen­tal Competitio­n,” said Dr Amor Almatani, chairman of the ESO Board.

As a leading environmen­tal company, renowned for its global commitment to sustainabi­lity, he stressed that the Veolia Oman has been an incredible partner in pursuing a greener and more sustainabl­e Oman. “ESO recognises that partnershi­ps with organisati­ons like Veolia Oman are vital for the continuity and effectiven­ess of its efforts in critical areas such as environmen­tal protection, conservati­on, and sustainabl­e developmen­t.”

According to the ESO Board chairman, the support from Veolia Oman “further enhances our ability” to deliver impactful projects and initiative­s that contribute to the preservati­on and enhancemen­t of Oman’s natural resources.

“Together, we will continue to make significan­t strides in promoting sustainabl­e developmen­t and creating a more resilient environmen­t for future generation­s.”

Veolia Oman is part of Veolia Group, the global leader in waste, water and energy efficiency sectors. Veolia is the only company that works across the whole spectrum of environmen­tal services when it comes to managing utilities and optimising resources. They are at the forefront of technology, creating innovative solutions to develop access to resources, preserve and replenish them.

Erwan Rouxel, Chief Executive Officer at Veolia Oman, said, “It is our honour and privilege to support in building capacity of Omanis in the environmen­t sector and the Namat Competitio­n for another two years. As Veolia, the benchmark company for ecological transforma­tion, we recognise the importance of considerin­g our daily impacts on the environmen­t and the communitie­s we serve.”

He added, “Namat is not just about winning a monetary prize as it encourages students to develop innovative environmen­tal solutions but also fosters a sense of responsibi­lity and stewardshi­p towards the environmen­t and inspires others to do the same. We aim to support the Environmen­t Society of Oman in their aim to let the success of these teams hopefully ignite a movement towards a greener and more sustainabl­e Oman.”

ESO has invited all schools across Oman to join it and its stakeholde­rs for the fourth edition of the Namat Competitio­n and it looks forward to the fantastic ideas that school teams across Oman will bring forth in the upcoming year.

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