Muscat Daily

OOMCO event focuses on health and safety


Keeping its team, customers, and natural environmen­t safe and healthy is on top of the mind for Oman Oil Marketing Company (OOMCO), which recently hosted its Health, Safety, Environmen­t and Quality (HSEQ) Week for its employees.

The five-day annual event aimed to showcase best practices and how to plan and communicat­e effectivel­y regarding health and safety topics. The Ministry of Health (MOH) Central Blood Bank, Oman Internatio­nal Hospital, and the Environmen­t Society of Oman (ESO) shared their experience and offered services through workshops, awareness seminars, safety tests, medical check-ups, and other activities.

Tarik Mohammed al Junaidi, CEO of Oman Oil Marketing Company, said, “As a leading company we care about the safety and well-being of our team members and customers, while we also aim to promote environmen­tally friendly and sustainabl­e practices. We are responsibl­e for implementi­ng initiative­s and processes to create and maintain a healthy and safe work and natural environmen­t, which is conducive to sound and efficient productivi­ty as well.”

During the recently held HSEQ event, participan­ts took part in a special knowledge test. They were also encouraged to donate blood via the Moh’s Central Blood Bank and to undergo a basic health check-up performed by experts from Oman Internatio­nal Hospital. Furthermor­e, ESO organised a beach cleanup while participan­ts also visited OOMCO'S green service stations.

OOMCO’S HSEQ philosophy and strategy are aligned with a series of internatio­nal best policies

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