Muscat Daily

26 pacts worth Ro6.5mn inked to stimulate the economy


The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (MOHUP) signed 26 usufruct contracts worth over Ro6.5mn on Sunday.

The agreements were signed by Hamad Ali al Nazwani, Undersecre­tary for Housing in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, and representa­tives of investing companies and establishm­ents, in the presence of the Undersecre­tary for Agricultur­e in the Ministry of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources and the Chairperso­n of Authority for Small and Medium Enterprise­s Developmen­t.

The signing of the usufruct agreements for different governorat­es reflects MOHUP’S efforts towards optimal investment in government land, enhancing economic returns, maximising revenue from government land, meeting needs in various governorat­es and providing diverse investment opportunit­ies.

The 26 contracts cover various sectors - commercial, industrial, agricultur­al and educationa­l - in the governorat­es of Muscat, North Batinah, South Batinah, Buraimi, Dakhliyah and North Sharqiyah

The wilayats of Al Sinanah and Mahadh in Buraimi witnessed the highest number of signed agreements - 13 - in the agricultur­al and livestock sector. The projects will be set up on a total area of 755,000sqm with an investment of Ro1.7mn.

Three usufruct contracts were signed for Muscat governorat­e – for projects in the wilayats of Bausher and Seeb - in the educationa­l and commercial sectors for an investment value of more than Ro4.2mn on a total area of 13,000sqm.

Three usufruct contracts were signed in the industrial and agricultur­al sectors in South Batinah in the wilayats of Barka and Nakhal. These projects will be set up on an area of more than 18,000sqm and with an investment of RO285,000.

Additional­ly, one usufruct contract was signed for the wilayat of Liwa in North Batinah worth RO200,000 and two inked in the commercial sector for the wilayat of Samail in Dakhliyah worth more than RO55,000.

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