Nigerian Taofeek Baderu Emerges 2022 ABSA L’Atelier Winner

- Charles Ajunwa

Taofeek Baderu, a multimedia artist known for his everevolvi­ng style with a specialty in sculpture and textile, has emerged the 2022 winner of the prestigiou­s ABSA L’Atelier art competitio­n.

Baderu is a graduate of the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta and later Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State where he subsequent­ly obtained a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree and Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Fine and Applied Arts, majoring in Textile Design.

The ABSA L’Atelier art competitio­n is one of the prestigiou­s art competitio­ns in Africa, hosted annually by ABSA in collaborat­ion with the South African National Associatio­n for the Visual Arts (SANAVA).

The competitio­n features artists between the ages of 21 and 40 and has been in existence for 36 years.

In a statement, Managing Director, ABSA Securities RepUHVHQWD­WLYH R΀FH LQ 1LJHULD Mr. Bamidele Sadiq Abu, said that each year dynamic, inspiring and young visual artists from across Africa are DͿRUGHG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR develop their talents abroad through the ABSA L’Atelier competitio­n.

He said the prize package for the ABSA L’Atelier Ambassador­s include; a month-long mentorship programme with a mentor of their choice (guidance from ABSA & SANAVA), 10 masterclas­ses discussing relevant topics with SURIHVVLRQ­DOV LQ WKH ÀHOG D laptop containing Microsoft R΀FH NLW D JURXS H[KLELWLRQ the opportunit­y for a solo exhibition within the next ÀYH \HDUV LQ SDUWQHUVKL­S ZLWK ABSA, in the ABSA gallery.

“Additional­ly, the comSHWLWLR­Q RͿHUV WKHP WKH platform to explore themes and contempora­ry issues that will bring their possibilit­ies

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