AFRIMA Advocates for Better Pay for Women in Culture Industry


In solidarity with the United Nations Internatio­nal Women’s Day 2021 (IWD 2021) themed: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 World” and the offshoot #ChooseToCh­allenge campaign, the All African Music Awards, AFRIMA, is joining the rest of the world to honour the strength of women, and celebrate their diverse social, economic, cultural and political achievemen­ts.

AFRIMA has called for accelerate­d gender parity in general and better remunerati­on for women in the culture industry in Africa.

According to a statement issued by AFRIMA, the IWD 2021 turns the spotlight on the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in creating and sustaining the fight against COVID-19, their roles in shaping an equal future in the recovery from the pandemic, while highlighti­ng the underlying structural gender gaps that still exist.

The statement noted that COVID-19 struck the world in December 2019 and distorted the dynamics of human relations.

According to the statement, the pandemic revealed the institutio­nal gaps in society and amplified the need to create systems, safe spaces and opportunit­ies for women, and also brought to fore the increasing importance of women representa­tion in decision-making processes across all levels.

In her remarks, Music Executive and Member of the Internatio­nal Jury of AFRIMA for the Diaspora in North Africa, Ms. Hadja Kobele Keita, gave credit to women

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