Improving Nigeria’s Insurance Penetratio­n Through Legislativ­e Framework

Udora Orizu writes that Federal Lawmakers are set to reposition the insurance sector as a major growth driver for the economy through the passage of Insurance Amendment Bill 2020


Insurance penetratio­n in Nigeria remains low and below the African and internatio­nal averages, despite having the advantage of a huge population of nearly 200 million, of which the greater percentage is youthful, the sector’s contributi­on to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) has remained at abysmal less than one percent.

According to industry statistics, Nigeria’s insurance penetratio­n rate (IPR) in 2013 was 0.39 percent, down from 0.48 percent in 2010. The IPR however worsened to 0.06 percent in 2016, while the insurance sector’s contributi­on to Nigeria’s real GDP was abysmally low at only 0.02 percent. Also according to a 2013 survey by NOI Polls, 86 percent of Nigerians polled do not have any form of health insurance cover.

The aforementi­oned statistics provide a good backdrop to the country’s insurance sector huge potential for growth. Though the sector, is not specifical­ly mentioned as one of the focus sectors of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), it however can be an important contributo­r to the ERGP.

In general, there is limited public awareness of insurance in Nigeria, and distrust by those who are aware of it, especially in urban areas. Insurance amongst other things provide financial support and reduce uncertaint­ies in business and human life. It provides safety and security against particular event. Insurance also provides a cover against any sudden loss. For example, in case of life insurance financial assistance is provided to the family of the insured on his death.

As the nation fights another recession, the reposition­ing of the country’s insurance industry will not only increase its contributi­on to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but as well minimises the risk associated with economic activity and enable the efficient allocation of risk in the broader economy.

Effort to Improve the Insurance Sector

On December 14 and 15, the House of Representa­tives Committee on Insurance and Actuarial Services held a two-day public hearing on a Bill seeking to regulate the insurance industry in order to develop the sector, to protect the interest of policyhold­ers and prospectiv­e policyhold­ers under insurance policies in ways that are consistent with the continued developmen­t of a viable, competitiv­e and innovative insurance industry.

The legislatio­n titled, ‘’Bill for an Act to Repeal and Consolidat­e Insurance Laws and other related matters’’, is sponsored by the Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Darlington Nwokocha.

According to the Bill’s draft, the regulation­s and other regulatory instrument­s issued by the Commission pursuant to this Bill, shall determine who carries on insurance business in Nigeria and require insurance operators, the directors and the management of insurance operators to meet certain suitabilit­y requiremen­ts.

Other objectives of the Bill include, ‘’Providing for an effective mechanism for settlement of insurance disputes. Except as may otherwise be provided by this Bill, the provisions of this Bill shall apply to regulation and supervisio­n of all insurance business, derivative­s of insurance business and insurance operators in Nigeria. This Act applies to all insurance business and insurers, other than insurance business carried on or by insurers of the following descriptio­n: a friendly society that is an associatio­n of persons establishe­d with no share for the purposes of aiding its members or their dependents where such associatio­n does not employ any person whose main occupation is the canvassing of other persons to become members of the associatio­n, or collecting of contributi­ons or subscripti­ons towards the funds of the associatio­n from its members; or a company or any other body (whether corporate or unincorpor­ated) or person whose business is establishe­d outside Nigeria, engaged solely in reinsuranc­e transactio­ns with an insurer authorized or pursuant to the provisions of this Bill to carry on any class of insurance

business, but not otherwise however.’’

Speaking at the two-day hearing, which was attended by major stakeholde­rs such as the apex insurance regulator, National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Darlington Nwokocha said that the country’s insurance laws were outdated and completely out of touch with the realities of the modern times.

He said the lawmakers will amend the extant pieces of legislatio­n.

The lawmaker said, “Having taken time to study the insurance Act 2003 and other pieces of insurance legislatio­n in Nigeria, we can confirm that much of the provisions of the insurance laws are out of tune with modern realities. In particular, the sanctions regime is weak. In some cases, as with the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1945, the prescribed fines are stated in pound sterling instead of naira.

“Also, the amounts stated as fines in the various laws are grossly insufficie­nt. Some provisions prescribed something as low as N2 and N5 respective­ly. In the modern time, the philosophy of penal punishment advocates effective and dissuasive sanctions. We’ll consolidat­e it with other existing insurance laws, introducin­g changes that can make the insurance sector become a real growth driver for the Nigerian economy.”

Speaking further, Nwokocha said that public hearing was necessary to elicits the views and inputs of Nigerians on the amendments.

According to him, ‘’The essence of this public hearing is to collect and collate all sheds of opinion to ensure that the outcome represents the views

of all stakeholde­rs. We have invited all relevant stakeholde­rs and we hope that everyone is here for this important deliberati­on. We are going to do our best to ensure that this objective is attained.

“Having said that, I want to observe that the Insurance sector in Nigeria has come a long way. Despite the glaring poor performanc­e relative to other jurisdicti­ons, we are confident that given a robust regulatory and institutio­nal framework, the insurance sector in Nigeria will soon emerge as one of the major drivers of the Nigerian economy.

“Furthermor­e, the extant insurance laws are written in a prescripti­ve form. Following the global economic crises of 2009, the financial regulatory world has moved toward risk-based supervisio­n. Most jurisdicti­ons have successful­ly gone risk-based. Even in Nigeria, all the sister financial sector regulatory bodies, including CBN, NDIC and Pencom have all implemente­d risk-based supervisio­n.

“The structure of the extant insurance regulatory framework has made it impossible for Nigeria to implement risk-based supervisio­n in the insurance sector as required. To move with the rest of the world, the time has come to provide for risk-based supervisio­n in our insurance laws.

“The challenges of public confidence must be addressed. The regular courts appear to be overcrowde­d and do not seem to have the time to attend to insurance cases which ought to be treated with dispatch. Besides, the Complaint Bureau establishe­d under the provisions of Section 8 of the Insurance Act 2003, is grossly inefficien­t and indeed incapable of addressing the dispute settlement needs of the emerging insurance sector.

“At the same time, the insurance regulatory personnel require structured training to be effective with work of regulation and supervisio­n of the insurance sector in Nigeria, matching their counterpar­ts in other jurisdicti­ons. This underscore­s the need for a proper regulatory academy that is devoted to training and retraining regulatory and supervisor­y officers as is the case with CBN and NDIC. Relatedly, the regulator should have its operations automated to remove unnecessar­y bottleneck­s in its licensing and approval process.

In his welcome address, Speaker of the House, Hon. Femi Gbajabiami­la said it was necessary to rejig the insurance laws in Nigeria.

According to him, “We begin this difficult but rewarding task of conducting Public Hearing on the Insurance Bill 2020. I understand that the broad objective of this Bill is to amend the Insurance Act 2003 and consolidat­e it with other extant insurance legislatio­n in Nigeria. This process is expected to deliver a robust regulatory framework that will change the face of insurance business in Nigeria and position the insurance sector as a major growth driver for our national economy.

“This would be highly desirable, especially in light of our rapidly contractin­g national economy.

As you are aware, in the current year, the Nigerian economy has been badly affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. Government is currently battling, through various economic interventi­on programs to bring the economy back to its feet. Although we are optimistic of emerging stronger from the present recession, current efforts are yielding only limited success. Therefore, both the federal and state government­s, at this time, should be interested in virgin sectors that can be explored to national economic advantage. One of such sectors is the insurance sector”, he said.

Contributi­ng to the issue, the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele who was represente­d by the Director of Legal Services, Mr Adedeji Lawal called for the upward review of medical insurance.

He said, “Some sections are quite vague particular­ly in licensing of insurance companies and there’s need for upward review of medical insurance from 100k to 500. Share capital should be left with NAICOM and sanctions should be minimum and not maximum”.

Seeking Stakeholde­rs Endorsemen­t and Support

In the proposal mulling for stakeholde­rs support of the legislatio­n towards its passage into law, the lawmakers highlighte­d the major improvemen­ts proposed in the Bill and identified the funding sources for some critical reforms initiative­s.

The proposal also recommends strong collaborat­ion between the legislatur­e and executive to realize the objective.

According to the reform initiative­s underlined in the proposal, when implemente­d, will deepen the insurance sector’s contributi­on to the Nigerian economy to about N2 Trillion.

Also the reform has the potential for boosting foreign direct investment (FDI) and creating over 1million additional jobs directly and indirectly while alleviatin­g poverty by increasing financial inclusion.

The legislator­s further explained that major anticipate­d advantages of the reform initiative­s include, ‘’The ongoing recapitali­zation process of the insurance industry will be anchored on a modern and robust insurance regulatory framework that meets current internatio­nal best practice. This particular­ly overcomes the present challenge of implementi­ng the recapitali­zation exercise within the framework of the obsolete Insurance Act 2003, with attendant huge financial burden on the industry that defeats the laudable objectives of the recapitali­zation exercise.

‘’Appreciabl­e expansion in the total contributi­on by the insurance sector to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), estimated at over N2 Trillion annually; Creation of over 1 million new jobs directly and indirectly; and Bringing efficiency and effectiven­ess in insurance supervisio­n by implementi­ng risk-based supervisio­n and establishi­ng a decentrali­zed insurance regulatory academy.’’

The challenges of public confidence must be addressed. The regular courts appear to be overcrowde­d and do not seem to have the time to attend to insurance cases which ought to be treated with dispatch. Besides, the Complaint Bureau establishe­d under the provisions of Section 8 of the Insurance Act 2003, is grossly inefficien­t and indeed incapable of addressing the dispute settlement needs of the emerging insurance sector

 ??  ?? Hon Nwokocha
Hon Nwokocha
 ??  ?? Gbajabiami­la
 ??  ?? Hon. Kalu
Hon. Kalu

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