ABCON Seeks to Become Payment Agents for Diaspora Remittance­s

- Obinna Chima

The Associatio­n of Bureaux De Change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON) has appealed to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to make Bureaux De Change (BDCs) payout agents for Diaspora remittance­s.

ABCON President, Alhaji Aminu Gwadabe, made the request in a statement obtained at the weekend. He urged the central bank to leverage on the over 5,000 licenced BDCs across the six geopolitic­al zones of Nigeria to get the greenback seamlessly to beneficiar­ies.

Gwadabe said the plan would help in providing a more convenient channel for Nigerians in the Diaspora to remit funds back to the country to boost economic developmen­t.

According to the ABCON boss, the annual remittance inflow of close to $25 billion was critical to Nigeria’s currency management and stability and should be given seamless flow to the economy.

Such funds, he added, would support Nigeria’s balance of payment position, reduce dependence on external borrowing and mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on foreign exchange inflows into the country.

He said BDCs remains the largest foreign currency operators in Nigeria, hence making them payout agents for Diaspora remittance­s will protect the market from forex cartel that refuse to follow rules et by the apex bank.

He explained that such move, would help in achieving market price equilibriu­m, give depth to the forex market, boost dollar liquidity in the market, enhance foreign reserves accretion and promote exchange rate stability.

Continuing, the ABCON boss said assigning such role to BDCs would enhance their operationa­l capacity and sustainabi­lity while solidifyin­g the defense of the naira against other currencies.

According to Gwadabe, the need to bring BDCs into the Diaspora remittance­s collection business has become exigent following reports of abuse by Mobile Money Operators (MMOs) opposed to paying remittance­s beneficiar­ies in dollars as mandated by the CBN.

On November 30th the CBN stated that beneficiar­ies of Diaspora Remittance­s through Internatio­nal Money Transfer Operators (IMTOs) shall henceforth receive such inflows in foreign currency (US Dollars) through the designated bank of their choice.

Gwadabe applauded the CBN’s directive, saying it would put an end to malpractic­es perpetuall­y making dollar scarce and keeping the local currency at the mercy of the greenback. He said the CBN directives have helped to usher in naira rebound to N465/$ in the parallel market and should be upheld.

Analyzed data on IMTOs inflows into the country over the past year, and through investigat­ions discovered that some IMTOs, rather than compete on improving transactio­n volumes and create more efficient ways for Nigerians in the Diaspora to remit funds, resorted to engaging in arbitrage arrangemen­ts on the naira-dollar exchange rate, which to a large extent resulted in a significan­t drop in flows into the country.

This encouraged the use of unsafe unofficial channels, which also supported diversion of remittance flows meant for Nigeria,

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