Learn from Ghana, US and Give Nigeria Credible 2023 Elections, PDP Tells Yakubu

- Chuks Okocha in Abuja

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday advised the reappointe­d Chairman of the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, to go to Ghana and United States and do a study from their electoral bodies on how to conduct free, fair, transparen­t and credible elections.

The PDP told Yakubu not to resort to excuses but to use the more than two years ahead of the 2023 general election to rejig the electoral commission and work out legislatio­ns and operationa­l rules that will guarantee a free, credible and all-inclusive electoral process.

The party charged Yakubu to learn from the Ghana electoral commission, which is making more room for a more allinclusi­ve electoral process by kick-starting special voting system to enable personnel of critical service providers cast their ballots days ahead of the December 7, election date.

According to a statement issued by the National Publicity Secretary of PDP, Kola

Ologbondiy­an, the party also advised the INEC Chairman to study how the United States credibly conducted a keenly contested 2020 presidenti­al election without government interfeenc­e and use of security to suppress the wishes of citizens as expressed at the polling units.

The PDP urged the INEC Chairman to engage political stakeholde­rs in legislatio­ns, rules and field procedures, so as to curb violence, ensure the security of electoral materials and guarantee the safety of voters.

The party said: “The INEC Chairman should initiate processes and procedures that will guarantee prompt arrival of ballot materials, rapid accreditat­ion and voting; instant transmissi­on of results from polling units as well as seamless collation of figures.

“Our party demands Prof. Yakubu to improve on legislatio­ns that restrict the involvemen­t of security agencies in voting and collation processes, check underage and alien voters, vote-buying, alteration of results and manipulati­on of voter register”.

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