Ekiti NBA Seeks Mandatory Psychiatri­c Test for Operatives


- Victor Ogunje

As part of the ways to inject sanity into the conduct and operations of Ekiti State Security Network Agency called ‘Amotekun’, the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n (NBA) has suggested compulsory psychiatri­c test for the personnel as part of recruitmen­t rules.

NBA said the step became sacrosanct in view of alleged incessant misconduct of convention­al security agencies, leading to brutality and unwarrante­d incarcerat­ion and killings of Nigerians.

The bill establishi­ng the outfit, now awaiting Governor Kayode Fayemi’s assent was last Friday passed into law by Ekiti State House of Assembly.

Speaking in Ado-Ekiti yesterday, the NBA Chairman, Ado-Ekiti Branch, Barrister Olakanmi Falade, said he had made the suggestion for the inclusion of mandatory psychiatri­c examinatio­n at the Assembly’s public hearing held last Thursday as part of the prerequisi­tes for qualificat­ion for Amotekun operatives.

He said Section 19 of Ekiti State Security Network Agency bill sent to the Assembly spoke about qualificat­ion, but issue of mental stability was not put into account, which he said spurred him to raise observatio­n about that.

“Under the interpreta­tion of sections, arms should not mean firearms alone, it should also include axes, and cutlasses even stick. That I think should have been taken into account before the passage.

“Also, I proposed that in addition to criteria for employment of officials, a mandatory psychiatri­c test should be added in the law as stated in Section 19 which dealt with recruitmen­t.

“The bill before transmissi­on to the executive with amendments should include this. The mental stability of whoever carries arms matter to Nigerians.

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