Nigeria Shouldn't Be Rushed into ‘Eco’ Currency, Says Rewane

Insists country not ready for currency convertibi­lity

- Obinna Chima

A member of President Muhammadu Buhari’s Economic Advisory Council (EAC), Mr. Bismarck Rewane, yesterday cautioned the federal government against allowing itself to be stampeded into making precipitat­ed decisions on joining ‘Eco,’ the proposed single currency for West African countries.

Rewane, during an interview yesterday on, ‘The Morning Show’ on Arise Television, a sister broadcast arm of THISDAY Newspapers, said the country was not yet ready for currency convertibi­lity.

The federal government, while reacting to the adoption of Eco as the currency of the French bloc of the West African nations, said it was studying the situation and would respond in due course.

But Rewane, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Financial Derivative­s Company Limited, said decisions about the economy, currency and regional integratio­n were not issues any country should rush into.

He also noted that with its role as a giant in the continent, the federal government must always be strategic in its decisions.

According to Rewane, unless Nigeria’s economic condition improves, entering into the West African single currency arrangemen­t means the country, which controls 66 per cent of the ECOWAS economy, would have to shoulder additional responsibi­lity.

“Of what interest is it for us at this point in time to protect other countries? Nigeria has to concentrat­e on how to manage its own economy more efficientl­y before going into any arrangemen­t that would see it shoulder external responsibi­lities because you are only as good as your economic strength.

“In the past, we took a position in Liberia and Sierra Leone, when they had crisis and we put in place ECOMOG and all of that.

“That time we had the resources, we had enough oxygen, so we could give oxygen to other countries, but now, we can’t afford that. We have to first of all make Nigeria great again, make the country reliable and as efficient as we can,” he stated.

He, however, noted that the factors outside Nigeria’s control presently are more than the factors within its control.

For instance, he stated that the global momentum, economic momentum, oil markets, non-oil markets, are all driving domestic economic decisions.

“Therefore, you either have to be strategic or tactically responsive in good time,” he said.

Shedding some light on the history of single currency arrangemen­t, the economist explained that the time between a Custom Union and a single currency took about 15 years, even in Europe, it took about 15 years. “There are regional convergenc­e criteria and it comes with many risks.

“I use the example of someone in turbulence in an aircraft and they say if the oxygen mass drops, you first of all put it on your nose before you put it on your child, because it is when you have stabilised that you can then put on for your child.

“That is because if you put it on a child and your child cannot help you, then both you and the child would go down. Now, Nigeria is 66 per cent of the ECOWAS region, Nigeria is the biggest economy in terms of population and size of economy.

“In my own judgement, Nigeria is not yet ready for currency convertibi­lity. So, to engage itself as a country in currency convertibi­lity, which has two stages – current account convertibi­lity and capital account accountabi­lity and at this stage - Nigeria is not ready,” he said.

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