Nigeria Loses $2bn Yearly Due to Poor Healthcare

- Seriki Adinoyi in Jos

The federal government has stated that Nigeria loses $2 billion yearly as a result of poor healthcare and expressed concern over incessant industrial crises in the health sector, saying “incessant strikes in public sector are counterpro­ductive.”

The Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs. Winifred Oyo-Ita, stated this in Jos, Plateau State capital, at the 54th annual scientific conference and workshop of the Associatio­n of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria in Jos with the theme: “Local vaccine formulatio­n and production in Nigeria: Challenges, threats and opportunit­ies.”

Oya-Ita, who was represente­d by the Director (Special Services) in the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, James Olusoji, said dialogue remained the best option for the resolution of trade disputes.

She stated that Nigeria has been losing foreign exchange drain estimated at about $2 billion yearly, due to loss of confidence in the health system.

Oya-Ita also expressed concern over what she described as lack of teamwork in the health sector workplace, leading to the rivalry between medical doctors, pharmacist­s and other allied workers.

According to her, the federal government had directed chief executives to fully implement all approved schemes of service and circulars affecting the career progressio­n and conditions of service of medical laboratory scientists and their establishm­ents.

She said: “The directive was given in the spirit of fairness, equity and justice in the treatment of all staff in the public service of the federation in line with the intent of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“I urge you all to always engage in dialogue in the resolution of issues with the management of your various workplaces, as incessant strikes in the public sector are counterpro­ductive, especially in the health sector.

“There is the need to also for all healthcare profession­al medical doctors, pharmacist­s, nurses and researcher­s to work in harmony with trust and due respect for each other’s’ expertise in promoting the health of the patients seeking their services.”

The Minister of State for Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire, represente­d by the Chief Medical Director of Jos University Teaching Hospital, Prof. Edmund Banwat, said the $2 billion annual loss by Nigeria was due to lack of confidence in the health sector.

He said a key area of the administra­tion of President Muhammadu Buhari included investing in its people health as a fundamenta­l human right that should be enjoyed by every citizen.

Banwat said: “Nigeria has over the last decades, sadly fallen behind in many areas of human and social endeavour, be it infrastruc­ture, developmen­t, energy and transporta­tion developmen­t, food production, quality of education, and healthcare delivery.

“Industrial production and manufactur­ing also almost totally collapsed, with increasing dependence on importatio­n and reliance on export of raw material Primary products. With regard to the health sector, Nigeria suffered foreign exchange drain of about $2 billion yearly, due to loss of confidence in the health sector system.

“Among many manufactur­ing facilities that also became moribund during past administra­tions was a government-owned Yellow fever vaccine production laboratory in Yaba, Lagos.”

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