My Daughter Became One-day Governor of Abia Same Day I Realised My Law Dream


Can we know how you started or was it a sudden flight to prominence?

I studied variously at National School, Isu Njaaba, Imo State then moved over to Eziama High School, Aba, where I graduated from secondary school. At Eziama High School, I was talented to the extent that when we decided to choose subjects, then there was nothing like junior and senior secondary, it was five years but you specialise from class three; either science or arts, it was a herculean task. I remember coming home to my dad and asking if is should go for sciences or arts. When he brought out all my report cards and discovered that I had excellence in both; he now threw the question back at me and said, if you had done badly in any area, I would have said go to the other but because you had almost 90 and above in all the subjects, I will find it difficult, I will ask you, son, to choose. So, I asked what he has always wanted me to do and he said, well if you become a doctor I wouldn’t mind so he tilted my choice because I loved my dad so much that I always wanted to make him proud. So I tilted to the sciences and chose all the science subjects and added Geography to make it nine.

So the way God would have it, even though I was the science and laboratory prefect of Eziama High School, the youngest at the time, I was doing very well in the arts. At a time I participat­ed in a national essay competitio­n organised by the National Museum in Aba and I came tops and they gave me a very beautiful novel by Better M. Clay. Those days we used to read all the novels; James Hardley Chase, Pace Setters, different sets. It was my first honour, they wrapped it up with cash prizes and it was glorious, I took it to my dad and told him I won a prize in the whole of Aba Zone, that competitio­n was for all secondary schools in Aba.

While I was winning competitio­ns in the arts, I was also representi­ng my school at science competitio­ns organised in the wider Imo State then, Abia State wasn’t created then. I remember we went to government college, Owerri, myself, Abubakar Haruna and Isaiah Orji to represent our school at Government College Owerri in science competitio­ns. We manufactur­ed fire extinguish­er using sodium metals and our school came tops. So, it was wonderful times, we were competing then as young people so we were not competing on how to smoke, rap or belong to cult or fashion, we were competing on who will come first in class, represent the school in the next competitio­n, represent his family well or whose father will come for the next award ceremony. Abubakar Haruna was a Muslim, his father was a police officer posted to Aba then, but we slept in their houses, in the quarters where they lived and they came over to our houses and passed the night despite the fact they were Muslims and we are Christians, it was never an issue; I remember we competed, read together and it became difficult for us growing up to see Nigeria being partitione­d into Muslims and Christians and to be friends you have to find out their faith; to cohabit you have to find out of what tribe and clan one is from. Those things were some of the shocks I experience­d outside my secondary school because in our secondary school we had Muslims and Christians and we related without inhibition­s.

I was also in the Scripture Union (SU), my mother took us there and was wonderful in her influence on my moral life. In those days, SU represente­d the Pentecosta­l movement and it was not popular among the orthodox churches. I remember my mother and some of her colleagues were ostracised from the Methodist Church for daring to go to Scripture Union where people spoke in tongues and where people evangelise­d and shared the gospel freely. My father was not happy about it, he was a lay preacher in the Methodist Church and his wife belonging to the Scripture Union at that time was like his wife belonging to something obnoxious. They were holy in their lifestyle and did not tolerate sin at all, they did not acclamatis­e with what other

He was born into a strict Christian family where discipline, respect for elders and fear of God were taken seriously. At a tender age, his mother conscripte­d him and his siblings into Scripture Union where their spiritual lives were shaped. Though his father wanted him to become a medical doctor, he ended up as a lawyer. Eze Chikamnayo, who is an aspirant for the Abia State House of Assembly shared his life’s journey with Charles Ajunwa and Ahamefula Ogbu

churches did, they were pure in their pursuit of righteousn­ess, my father was not happy because my mum took us to SU but then she had her way and we were brought up in SU, went to youth camps where we were given sound moral teachings.

There are four foundation­s in life, you have the mental foundation, the spiritual, physical and social foundation, these four must grow simultaneo­usly otherwise you will be a skewed human being. While you are pursuing your mental foundation, it is good to be in school, to know all of the knowledge one can look for, that is the mental foundation you are building but what of the spiritual foundation? Most parents these days only build only the mental foundation of their children without building the spiritual foundation and that is why we have lopsided youths who are sound and intellectu­ally excellent but morally bankrupt and bereft of any moral standard. My mother ensured that she provided that spiritual leg by taking us to the SU and giving us the moral foundation. My father gave me the mental equipment for life by taking me to school, making great sacrifices to pay my fees. Apart from my father, one of my aunties more or less adopted me as a foster son, the late Ugoeze Dorathy Okorocha. She took me all the way through school, helping my father to pay my fees and helping me all the time. The physical foundation is the exercises people are doing today and the social foundation is being part of the community, age grade, developmen­t groups and clubs. People should always watch where they are on these scales to know how they are developing in society for a balanced life.

What do you think eroded the cohesion among groups in Nigeria unlike what you saw in secondary school?

Selfish primordial primitive considerat­ions of exploitati­ve adults are what is taking us down the slope as a nation. When you want to talk about a person as Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba, always remember that before you became a Christian or Muslim, you were first of all a human being and if only we can treat each other at the level of humanity, our world will be a great place to live in. I have never seen somebody that rejected love, goodness; those times when you enter plane and you meet people, if you smile at them they will smile back at you, if you give a small assistance even in helping to carry your luggage, they are grateful, if you go further to pay their fares, they feel a further sense of obligation, that is human being for you as humanity cuts across all religions and tribes. A human being is like a mirror, what you show the mirror is what it brings back to you. Goodness begets goodness, frugality begets frugality, what you mete out to others they will mete out to you. When I grew up and saw the manipulati­ve use of religion and clan and tribe, over time I began to realise that they are mischievou­s well-articulate­d manipulati­ons of adults. We should be sober as we are going to account for our mischievou­s use of religion.

There is the notion that intelligen­t people are stubborn, were you a stubborn or pliant child?

I wasn’t on any of those extremes. I wasn’t pliant or stubborn, I was in between. I wasn’t a young man that would go out of his way to do things to show disobedien­ce to adults or parents like I said earlier, my mother took care of that when she took us to the SU, where we imbibed the love of God and obedience to parents. Sometimes as an adult now, I will want to do a certain thing and a scripture pops up on my mind to check that, it is from what my mother inculcated in me even as an adult even when I have not revisited it in a long while. I wasn’t stubborn, arrogant, pliant, but I used my intelligen­ce though. Every young man in a way has this element of stubbornne­ss, I merely exercised mine creatively.

Can you remember any particular punishment due to this combustive attitude in trying to explore the world?

I can’t remember but, on several occasions, I was punished for over succeeding because sometimes they will say do this and I will do that and try to go the extra mile and in doing that, incur the wrath of my colleagues. Sometimes the reprimand of my superiors who will say we asked you to do this and you went further now everybody is no longer comfortabl­e.

What are those traits that you have transferre­d to your children?

I see creativity in my children, they don’t go with the crowd. So, standing out in the crowd is what I think my children have inherited from me. My son went to university to study Political Science, he is very intelligen­t, but he is now one of the best photograph­ers in the country and he owns a studio. Initially, I wanted to put a stop to what I considered a deviation from what he told me he wanted to do but I reminded myself that I set out to be an optometris­t and ended up being a lawyer. Sometimes, much as you want the children to follow a particular mould, you must put a small expansion joint and allow for linear expansivit­y. You must give room for creativity, the instinct of the child, to go where his talent and passion leads him. There must be a meeting point between talent and passion and when a child does, he shows his star.

How did you feel as a father when your daughter emerged as one-day governor of Abia State?

I didn’t expect it as I didn’t know she had entered into any type of competitio­n, because my daughter attends a boarding school and from the school, they take them to various competitio­ns as directed by their proprietre­ss. I didn’t know, so I was then just coming out of the burial of my mother. After the burial, I was preparing for my call to bar and on my way to Abuja my wife called me that Joy my daughter was needed in Government House, Umuahia, so I said by who, what for? She said she would find out. Twenty minutes later she called to say it was the school and that they had an award. I said award for what because if the school wins an award why can’t the teacher or proprietre­ss go. She still didn’t understand so she forwarded the number to me. About two hours later a certain number called me that he was an aide of the governor and told me that there was a competitio­n among secondary schools in Abia, both private and public and the students did not submit their names, they were given identifica­tion numbers and they wrote essays and took other oral tests. They discovered that the number that won came from Intellectu­al Giants so they sent the number to the school and the students that represente­d the school was brought forward and it was discovered that my daughter had the number that came first. They did it in a manner that extraneous influence was reduced. They said the price was that who came first becomes the oneday governor of Abia State. Then it dawned on me on the enormity of what she had achieved. The next day, I got a call from the governor who asked of my whereabout­s so I told him I was at my call to bar and he said well, I just handed over to your daughter as one-day governor of Abia State and on a lighter note, that those things I used to ask him to do, I should ask my daughter to do them for me. I was very happy but unfortunat­ely, I couldn’t attend because while she was sitting on that red seat as the governor, I was on my call to bar. It was a great feeling, a coincidenc­e that the day I was realising my dream of becoming a lawyer, my daughter was sitting as the governor of Abia State. December 12, 2017 will go down in the annals of my family as the greatest moments of our lives.

So would you say that was your happiest day in life?

I have many happy moments but that was one of the happiest days of my life.

What do you consider the downsides of your life?

The downsides of my life are that up till today, I still suffer from over succeeding in life. If you give me a position and my knack for excellence and perfection comes in and I do it so well. The small time I have, I still find conspiraci­es of people of no memorial trying to pull me down, blackmail or push me out of the system.

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