2019: INEC Partners NCC to Send SMS to Owners of Uncollecte­d PVCs


The Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) has said it is partnering the Nigerian Communicat­ions Commission (NCC) to send messages to owners of the uncollecte­d Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs).

A National Commission­er of INEC, Soyebi Adedeji, made this known yesterday in Abuja at the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room Dialogue Session on Osun Election.

Adedeji said the measure became imperative in order to remind Nigerians of their civic duty so as to ensure a successful electoral process.

He said the number of uncollecte­d PVCs with the commission was of great concern, adding that this number could determine who wins or loses elections. “The Continuous Voter Registrati­on has come to an end and INEC has other things to concentrat­e on since election is a matter of a chain of events.

“Before the end of the CVR, the commission as at last week had 10 million uncollecte­d PVCs in its possession, now with the end of the CRV there are additional 14 million registrant cards to be processed within 165 days.

“People need to come and collect their PVCs; it is not just about registerin­g, collection is the most important thing. When people register, the collection is always less than 50 per cent.

“We need to find a way to see what we can do about collection so we have decided to partner with NCC to alert Nigerians on the status of their cards,’’ the commission­er said.

Adedeji said 46 political parties out of the 91 registered had notified the commission about their primaries and when their

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