Niger Delta Leaders Deplore FG’s Failure to Implement the Region’s Demands

- In Abuja

Onyebuchi Ezigbo

Niger Delta leaders under the platform of Pan Niger Delta Elders Forum (PANDEF), has expressed disappoint­ment over the inability of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led federal government to implement the demands of the people of the region that were presented to it.

It said that apart from initiative­s aimed at promoting developmen­t in the region, PANDEF would like the federal government to take immediate steps to restructur­e the country to ensure justice and equity.

In a statement issued yesterday by the National Publicity Secretary of PANDEF, Anabs Sara-Igbe, the group asked the federal government to implement the 16-point agenda it submitted to President Buhari on November 1, 2016 in Aso Rock Villa, so as to address the needs of the people of the Niger Delta, as well as save the national economy from further interrupti­on.

The elders said the people of Niger Delta are not happy with the present administra­tion for the failure to fully implement the 16-point agenda, as well as address the plight of the people of Niger Delta.

“The people of Niger Delta are known to be peaceful, accommodat­ing and most friendly in the country but when pushed to the wall, may react dangerousl­y and deadly,” it said.

According to PANDEF, the people of Niger Delta believe strongly in restructur­ing of the country, as a panacea for equitable economic and infrastruc­tural developmen­t in the country.

The group added, “We are therefore, calling on the Federal Government to urgently address the 16- point agenda of PANDEF and also restructur­e the country in the interest of all.

“PANDEF also appeal to the executive and legislativ­e arms of the federal government to ensure that the much needed peace and security of lives and property in the country is always given priority and they should act within the armpit of the Nigerian Constituti­on and the relevant laws of the country,” PANDEF said.

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