Omoyeni Gets PANDEL Guber Ticket


Former Deputy Governor of Ekiti state, Mr. Adebisi Omoyeni, will contest for the governorsh­ip election of the state coming up on July 14, on the ticket of the People Alliance for National Developmen­t & Liberty Party. Omoyeni formally announced that he would fly the banner of the party during a press conference attended by his supporters and PANDEL leaders in the state at his country home in Ikere-Ekiti recently. He said if elected his administra­tion’s industrial­isation agenda will be anchored on agricultur­e and education to give the state a new economy and change the character of the state from the civil service state tag. Omoyeni noted that he would create within four years at least 10,000 high-paying agricultur­e and agro- allied jobs for youths of the state. “Within four years we will work to give Ekiti a new character different from the tag of civil service state. Our government will target rice, cocoa and cassava production and build industry and wealth around the value chain by partnering key industries and private sector. We will create 10,000 quality jobs through integratin­g production of rice, cocoa and cassava with industrial processors. We will bring young people into farming by organising them into cooperativ­es and link them up as out-growers to industrial off-takers,” he said. The PANDEL candidate bemoaned the poor revenue generating capacity of the state which is the reason why the state cannot pay salary of workers and pensioners as at when due.

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