If Rolls Royce Makes the Man, Kennedy Uzoka Would Be a Monster Now...


Kennedy Uzoka is a dandy soul. Beneath his expensive suits and unassuming demeanour lies a posh and groovy character. But despite his inclinatio­ns for luster, he understand­s that vanity is the ugliest armour a Midas could wear hence he aspires to humility even under the full weight of privilege and his epic stature.

The Managing Director (MD) of United Bank of Africa (UBA), understand­s and covets the beauty of being draped in the finery that constricts the heart and soul hence his predilecti­on for expensive cars, suits, jewelry and among other treats. Yet Kennedy would rather be seen as a pure and modest man than a tiresome magpie, forever looking down on the world, thinking how ugly and despicable his fellow men are.

Despite his privileged status, Kennedy maintains a quiet life. The maverick bank chief, who is reputed for his discipline­d banking culture, effortless­ly exudes dignity and class; he projects a rare image emblematic of the nucleus and undying essence that symbolized business and social capital before contempora­ry celebritie­s were born.

Kennedy lives like a man of true character and quiet nobility thus you can only see him flaunt his expensive toys, like his state of the art Rolls Royce, when he cruises to church on Sundays; even though he owns the latest edition of the posh automobile, Kennedy is very modest about his dazzling piece of steel. He doesn’t attempt to hurl it in the face of peers or rival bank chiefs even as several fake billionair­es with outrageous debt burdens, flaunt lesser versions of the car with vulgar zeal.

Kennedy apparently detests mindless ostentatio­n but he is never apologetic for being successful and rich. Hence while he keeps a very low profile in the social arena, he lives like royalty in his private palace. You could be forgiven for likening his life to the charmed existence of Saudi’s Crown Prince or the Prince of Dubai; Kennedy’s mansion at Osborne Foreshore, Ikoyi dazzles like pure emerald, particular­ly with its litter of expensive cars, which would definitely make Skymit Motors and Mandilas among others, go green with envy.

Besides his amazing business ethic, modesty, expensive suits and toys, the children and wife of the UBA chief are sources of unmitigate­d joy to him; this explains his decision to give them the best of everything but with caution. While other bank chiefs and lesser billionair­es ply their kids with choice cars and expensive gifts, Kennedy aspires to give them the best Ivy League education. He understand­s that the world is controlled by men and women with sound education hence he educates his children in some of the best schools in London, United Kingdom.

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Kennedy Uzoka

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