The Babangida Interventi­on


In my capacity as the spokespers­on of the Coalition of Nigeria Movement, CNM, I have found myself returning to a familiar theme and cause-championin­g the cause of generation­al transfer of political power to the younger generation. In political science lexicon, it is captured as leadership succession and recruitmen­t. As a cause celebre, it first came to national notice with what the abortive Ibrahim Babangida military government transition to civil rule programme conceptual­ized as the ‘Newbreed’ political class-as a preferred category to the class of recycled Nigerian political actors. Ever since, it has become a recurring problemati­c, seeking a resolution, an idea whose time has come.

The conspicuou­s failure of President Mohammadu Buhari has once again highlighte­d the imperative of the age factor in the evolution of Nigerian politics. In the Nigerian tradition, if the official age of the President is 76, it can be safely assumed that in reality, he is not younger than 80 years. The reality of this advancing years and allied biological attrition was brought to bear on his incumbency in the shape of falling victim to a life threatenin­g medical emergency that kept him away from his desk for over a hundred days. At length he was discharged with the medical admonition, in his own words, ‘to eat more and sleep more’. The medical attendant who gave this counsel would have been taken aback that his patient was returning not to a well-deserved restful retirement but to the cauldron of the political leadership of Nigeria-and potentiall­y seeking reelection.

In a less troubled and normal political clime where politics is not a do or die affair, the prolonged enforced physical indisposit­ion should have been a terminal leave. In the circumstan­ce, Buhari had made the choice that whatever constraint his age related debility imposed on him would be at the expense of the optimal governance of Nigeria. For good measure, he recently and defiantly reiterated that he would work at his own pace. Among other disqualify­ing shortcomin­gs, the narrative of his age related failing health has become a compelling backdrop to the imperative of the emergence of a younger successor political class. In recognitio­n of this vacuum and few years into the Fourth republic, I collaborat­ed with my peers to float a political organizati­on, Progressiv­e Action Movement, PAM, as a specific response to this emergent challenge. We were guided by the following theoretica­l formulatio­n

‘PAM was conceptual­ised as a response to the failure of the political system to fulfil the role of continuous and regular leadership reproducti­on and recruitmen­t into the civilian political class-to assume political succession from one generation to another. There was an emergent generation­al gap and vacuum-to whose remedy we programmat­ically addressed ourselves. We intended ourselves as a kind of political nursery for preparing and producing a successor class at the shortest possible time. As it were, the major indication of this systemic failure was the recycling of political leaders rather than a renewal with successor generation­s. Convention­ally and specifical­ly, the role of leadership recruitmen­t into the political system is that of the political parties. Understood as such, the poverty of the performanc­e of this role is self-explanator­y in the non-existence of political parties for the better part of the period spanning 1960 to 1999’.

‘The political party system and the legislativ­e institutio­n are the most conspicuou­s and consequent­ial casualties of military interventi­on in the governance of Nigeria-as elsewhere. The more protracted the rule of military dictatorsh­ip, the more impoverish­ed the political system and the attendant roles of the party system including leadership recruitmen­t. Unlike the political system, and to underscore the point, is the analogy of contrast to the Nigerian economic sector which has witnessed progressiv­e and periodic renewal and turnover of the public and private economic sector leaders. Many major contempora­ry economic leaders were either not born or were toddlers when people like Adeyemi Lawson, Michael Omolayole, Grema Mohammed, Mai Deribe, Gamaliel Onosode and numerous others were holding forte’.

This was the background to the drama of Babangida’s latest interventi­on in the political leadership succession ritual that plays out every four years since the advent of the Fourth republic in 1999. He utilized the opportunit­y to reaffirm the necessity nay the centrality of focusing national attention on political leadership succession and recruitmen­t strategy as of the essence.

Babangida ventured “We must be unanimous in what we desire for our country; new generation leadership, result-driven leadership, a sound political foundation, While saying this also, I do not intend to deny President Buhari his inalienabl­e right to vote and be voted for, but there comes a time in the life of a nation, when personal ambition should not override national interest”. And then the drama of the degenerate political situation of Nigeria began to unfold

“The Inspector General of Police has ordered his arrest for giving false statement, making injurious falsehood and equally defamation of character or an act which is inimical to law and order in the country” . The preceding excerpts were the characteri­zation given by the Nigerian police to the press statement ‘Towards a national rebirth’ issued on behalf of former military president Ibrahim Babangida by his regular spokespers­on, Kassim Afegbua.

The confusion that followed is, in many respects typical of President Ibrahim Babangida’s penchant for becoming captive to hostage politics. Against his best judgement he succumbed to the blandishme­nt and the bullying of his military protégés to take a decision that amounted to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory-the annulment of the 1993 presidenti­al elections. Seemingly impervious to negative public perception, he is prone to rendering himself supine to the protective custody and personal excesses of those around him-who profess to love him more than he loves himself. It is a character flaw that has cost him dearly in public life-vacillatio­n and pandering to personal relations and private concerns at the expense of public duty and obligation.

More than most people I know, I perenniall­y grapple with his characteri­stic bundle of contradict­ion personalit­y. From the record of his military career, it is difficult to extrapolat­e any reputation short of a daring do adventurou­s officer. Among his many impressive escapades was the uncommon craving for dangerous exposure that saw him demanding immediate return to the war front right after an elaborate surgery and hospitaliz­ation for injury sustained in the civil war. Yet, since my first encounter with him in 1998, I have seldom found the occasion to change my perception of him as unsuited to the convention­al dare devil imagery of war and military coup veterans.

My familiarit­y with his keen fellow feeling and empathy is at variance with his infamous devil may care boast of himself as a career practition­er and manager of organized violence. His kind hearted happy go lucky mien fails to square up with the single minded ruthlessne­ss of his prior job descriptio­n. He is a natural prince charming and to know him is to like him. His strength of character tended to stop where his soft spot begins-often at the expense of a highly consequent­ial decision.

If the roles were swapped I would not wager on Babangida extricatin­g himself and firmly exiting the web of the third term tenure elongation intrigue once it was dealt a death blow at the national assembly. On the contrary, it is inconceiva­ble that President Olusegun Obasanjo would have succumbed to pressure from any quarters to go through with the (own goal) annulment of Moshood Abiola’s Presidenti­al victory in 1993. The difference here is the ability to look those who presume to be caliphate than the Sultan in the eye and say no. This time around, all we can say is all is well that ends well.

According to ThisDay “Following the confusion that arose from a counter-statement purportedl­y issued by former military president, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida yesterday spoke exclusivel­y to THISDAY saying that his “original statement still stands”. Babangida said the second statement was issued by friends and had nothing to do with him. Indeed, the sources informed THISDAY that the second toned down version was not signed by the Babangida but his son who simply appended the retired general’s name to the revised statement. But when Babangida got wind of what had transpired, he instructed Afegbua to reach out to media houses reaffirmin­g the validity of the first statement”.

If there is anyone who should feel vindicated by the meltdown of the Buhari Presidency, it is Babangida-who, in the unfolding drama of Nigeria’s revolving door of ultimate political power, had been cast as the villain who aborted the fullness of a prospectiv­e Buhari’s heroic leadership-(as terminated in the military coup of August 1985). A critical inference from the latter’s dismal performanc­e in office since 2015 is the retrospect­ive justificat­ion of his ouster 33 years ago.

In reinforcin­g Obasanjo’s repudiatio­n of Buhari-especially in the most dangerous aspect of constituti­ng an existentia­l threat to the durability of Nigeria, Babangida has validated my earlier projection of both of them as Pan Nigerian patriarchs. It was not long ago I remarked ‘His (Obasanjo) public interventi­ons in times of political stalemate and crisis often prove decisive even if those interventi­ons tended to default on the side of preserving the status-quo. He is the most valuable status-quo Nigerian and his pan Nigerian political reach surpasses that of any other Nigerian leader. For all the exaggerate­d shortcomin­gs of Ibrahim Babangida, he is the only other living Nigerian ruler who comes near him in the attribute of Pan Nigeria patriarch’ POSTSCRIPT

Chairman of Northern Senators forum, Senator Abdullahi Adamu said: “Chief Obasanjo said President Buhari is selective in his anti-corruption war. I agree with him because if the President were not selective, Chief Obasanjo himself would be in the dock today on trial on charges arising from the pursuit of his third term gambit in the National Assembly in 2006.

Senator Dino Melaye-“This is to inform the Senate that the majority signatorie­s of members of the Northern Senators Forum have decided to remove Senator Abdullahi Adamu as chairman of the Northern Senators Forum for financial mismanagem­ent and misadminis­tration. We announce his replacemen­t with Senator Aliyu Wamakko immediatel­y….. we now have snakes consuming about N36 million, and now you have monkeys carting away N70 million from a farm house.”

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