New Killing Spree: Presidency, APC Not Keen on Arresting Perpetrato­rs, Alleges PDP


Onyebuchi Ezigbo

The national leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday described the attitude of the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC)-led federal government to the recent massacre of defenseles­s Nigerians in Benue, Rivers, Kaduna and other states as insensitiv­e.

While condemning the action of the marauders as extremely wicked, iniquitous and horrifying, PDP said the mayhem would have been averted if the relevant authoritie­s had responded to danger signs.”

The PDP National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiy­an, in a statement yesterday further lamented the insensitiv­ity of the APC presidency which reacted to the ugly incidents only after the PDP and wellmeanin­g Nigerians called them to task.

The party also described as inexcusabl­e, the failure of President Muhammadu Buhari-led APC federal government to act upon early danger signs and threats by taking cautionary measures that could have averted the killings, particular­ly in Benue State.

According to the opposition party, “the height of insensitiv­ity of the APC presidency became glaring in its reaction, wherein a media aide issued some apathetic and indifferen­t lines without any precise commitment towards bringing the perpetrato­rs to book and assurances of adequate security to forestall a reoccurren­ce.”

The PDP also called on the presidency to have some soulsearch­ing with regard to its silence and loud indifferen­ce whenever citizens fall under such horrifying attacks.

“What a way to start the new year! The sheer insensitiv­ity of the APC government has continued to cause our country a lot of pain and sorrow.

“Is it not only a careless and inept leadership like the APC government that will ignore the danger signs in any part of the country and leave its citizens defenseles­s, just to be massacred by marauders?

“If the APC federal government had effectivel­y acted upon the danger signs and had provided adequate security in flash points across the country, particular­ly in Benue State, North-central and Southern Kaduna area, this massacre of Nigerians, who were already impoverish­ed by the APC’s misrule, could have been prevented.

“Is it not a tragic trajectory of governance that while the APC presidency was busy basking on its orchestrat­ed New Year self-praise and empty promises, bandits were having a field day mowing down citizens in cold blood?

“Is it not also an irony that when the government was prompted to react to the spate of killings, all its officials could do was to respond in a most indifferen­t, nearly unconcerne­d and almost without compassion manner?

“Indeed, PDP aligns with Nigerians that the APC and the presidency should have a serious soul searching on their clear indifferen­ce towards the persistent killings and maiming of citizens by bandits who constantly invade communitie­s, slaughter the people and walk away with blood of our compatriot­s in their hands.

“We insist that for the country to be reassured, the federal government must show commitment by ensuring that the perpetrato­rs of these killings are immediatel­y brought to book and made to face the full wrath of the law.

“We therefore charge our military and other security agencies to leave no stone unturned in this direction.

“Nigeria belongs to all of us; every citizen has a right to life and no man should take the life of another for any reason or under any guise whatsoever,” the statement said.

The PDP commiserat­ed with the families of the victims, and directed its members across board to assist and continue to pray for them.

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