- Rasak Mus b au, Lag os State Ministry of Informatio­n& Strategy, Ala us a, Lagos.

The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) just rolled out a most worrying statistics — that Nigeria, with 3.3 million children, tops the list of the world’s most unvaccinat­ed children against measles. Following closely on Nigeria’s heel are India (2.9 million children), Pakistan (two million), Indonesia (1.2 million), Ethiopia (0.9 million), and Democratic Republic of Congo (0.7 million).

An airborne virus, measles is transmitte­d by respirator­y droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person and a leading cause of death among children world-wide. In Nigeria, measles is the fifth leading cause of under-five child mortality and 50 per cent of deaths of all vaccine preventabl­e diseases. Measles infection and mortality was found to occur all year round irrespecti­ve of whether it was rainy or dry season, reinforcin­g measles endemicity in this part of West African. In 2016 alone, Nigeria witnessed 183 measles outbreaks affecting 158 local government areas.

What is worrisome to health authoritie­s in the country and should be of serious concern to everyone is that the measles virus can spread in a person four days before the onset of the tell-tale rash, making people with the virus to become contagious ever before they are actually aware that they had measles. Another fact that makes measles virus really scary is that it can live on surfaces for up to two hours and in an unimmunise­d population, one person with measles can infect 12 to 18 others.

This is way higher than other scary viruses, like Ebola and HIV. With Ebola, one case usually leads to two others, while in the case of HIV, one case leads to another four. A person with measles can cough in a room, and — if you are unvaccinat­ed — hours later, you could catch the virus from the droplets in the air that they left behind. This accounts for why everybody must be a change agent and social mobiliser propagatin­g measles immunisati­on rather than being merely contended after getting our own children vaccinated.

According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the horrible mathematic­s of measles looks like this: one out of every 20 children with measles gets pneumonia; one in 1,000 will develop encephalit­is (swelling of the brain); and one or two in 1,000 children will die. The optimal age for infantile measles vaccinatio­n is an important health issue since maternal antibodies may neutralise the vaccine antigen before a specific immune response develops. Delaying vaccinatio­n, on the other hand, may increase the risk of complicate­d disease. Getting only one dose of the vaccine instead of the recommende­d two also seems to increase people’s chances of getting measles if they are ever exposed.

However, as a child approaches 14 years, incidence of measles reduces to 0%, confirming WHO’s position that measles is a childhood problem and of huge concern in developing nations such as Nigeria. Usually, after an incubation period of 10 to 12 days, measles comes on as a fever, cough, stuffy nose, and bloodshot and watery eyes. Loss of appetite and malaise are equally common signs of measles. Several days after these initial symptoms, an uncomforta­ble spotty, rash begins to spread all over the body, starting on the face and neck, and moving downward. The rash usually lasts for three to five days and then fades away.

In uncomplica­ted cases, people who get measles start to recover as soon as the rash appears and feel back to normal in about two to three weeks. But up to 40 per cent of patients have complicati­ons from the virus. These usually occur in children under-five, in adults over 20, and in anybody else who is undernouri­shed or having low immunity.

The most common complicati­on from measles is pneumonia, which accounts for most measles-related deaths. Less frequently, measles can lead to blindness, croup, mouth ulcers, ear infections, or severe diarrhoea. Some children develop encephalit­is (swelling of the brain), which can lead to convulsion­s, loss of hearing, and mental retardatio­n. Again, these complicati­ons mostly arise in people whose immune systems are already weakened because of their age, pre-existing diseases or malnutriti­on.

With a vaccine, measles is prevented through the combinatio­n of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) shot. Immunity from the vaccine lasts for decades. The vaccine is known to be extremely safe and very effective. It contains a live but weakened version of the virus, and it causes the immune system to produce antibodies against the virus. Should you be exposed to actual measles, those antibodies will then fire up to protect against the disease.

The measles virus could theoretica­lly be wiped off the face of the planet, never to infect another human again. That is because it fits the profile of diseases that can be eradicated. People, and not animals, are the only carriers of the virus (so eradicatio­n wouldn’t require killing off an entire animal species).

Addressing over 40 media practition­ers recently, the Executive Director of the NPHCDA, Dr Faisal Shuaib pledged that the upcoming measles vaccinatio­n campaign will be the best ever implemente­d by the country. Shuaib confirmed that the 2017-2018 vaccinatio­n campaign is planned to be conducted in phases by geographic­al zones from October 2017 to March 2018.

Nigerians must not only maximise opportunit­ies of this planned vaccinatio­ns, but we must also avoid playing politics with it, the result of which is endangerin­g the future of innocent children. Everything should be done to ensure the upcoming campaign reaches all eligible children. Great lessons should have been learnt from past mistakes when vicious propaganda was employed to confuse ignorant parents and compromise health of our children.

 ??  ?? Adewole

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