Take Contributo­ry Pension Scheme Seriously, Employers Urged

- Ndubuisi Francis

Employers of labour in the public and private sectors of the economy have been advised to take the contributo­ry pension scheme (CPS) seriously in order to make it a win-win situation for all stakeholde­rs.

The Customer Compliance Officer of Trust fund Pensions Big. Ltd., Mrs. Racheal OsaObi gave the admonition in Abuja in an interview with THISDAY on the sidelines of an interactiv­e forum between Trustfund and employers of labour.

She advised that “employers, generally, should see this CPS as the best thing that has happened to this country,” urging them to take it seri- ously to heart, to ensure that their functions and roles as prescribed by the Pension Act are adhered to.

“There are guidelines, there are regulation­s that are issued as a fallout of that Act. It should be complied with--adherence to the provisions of this law. And it is only when this happens that it will be a win-win on both sides because I do not know of any employer who wants employees saying negative things about them when they would have exited their employment.

“We are working towards a situation where we will have a win-win situation on both sides; the employers and the operators because if our customers are happy, it means your employees are satisfied and happy with you.

“On that note, we should work together as a team to make this scheme a huge success,’ she stated.

She noted that the interactiv­e forum with employers is an annual event, adding that the essence was “to interact with employers of labour who are people responsibl­e for remitting combined contributi­ons of what employer and employee bring to us as pension fund manager.”

According to her, the forum provides an opportunit­y to resolve issues arising from employers remitting only their workers’ contributi­on without the former’s part as well as other challenges bordering on documentat­ion, among others.

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