- –Abimbola Olashore

Prince Abimbola Olashore was among the over 90 bank Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) that got removed from the financial services industry landscape, by the guided tsunami championed by Prof. Charles Soludo, a former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Only a handful of those displaced banks’ chief executives have been able to re-navigate their way back into the system. Olashore is among the lucky few. He has creatively leveraged the ashes of the misfortune­s that have terminated the otherwise thriving careers and ambitions of many, to create another thriving financial institutio­n (Lead Capital). He has also transforme­d himself into an educationa­l reformer, stretching the legacy of his late father to unimaginab­le heights. I spent a night with Olashore in Iloko-Ijesa, in Osun State, which has been turned into a tourist centre that houses a first-class secondary school, Olashore Internatio­nal School, a five-star guest house, a classy golf course under constructi­on, and many other world-class facilities. Olashore is in high demand in the speaking circles. When I asked him during this interview in his Victoria Island Lagos office what he was up to next, here is what he said: “From now on, I want to be doing what I consider very close to my heart: helping organisati­ons to solve one of the major challenges bedeviling corporatio­ns, especially in Nigeria, which is how to implement their strategic plans.” He is offering that service which he considers giving back to society through Lead Advisory Partners Limited, his latest firm. Enjoy his insights.

1 Go with your instincts

There is so much noise around that you sometimes question if your instincts are telling you the right thing. Therefore, as a person you have to follow your instincts. You must be very clear as to what you want to do. I will tell you why I chose that as number one. When I was in St. Gregory’s College for my secondary school, I was very good at Mathematic­s and Sciences, and the assumption then was I would either become a doctor or an engineer. Once you are good at Literature and Arts, it is assumed that you are going to become a lawyer. I didn’t like Biology so being a doctor was out of it for me. And everybody will naturally guide you, if you are good at Chemistry, Physics, go and become an engineer. I filled in a JAMB

(Joint Admissions and Matriculat­ion Board) admission form; I was barely 15 when I first applied through JAMB for a place in University. My first choice was engineerin­g and second choice was Accountanc­y. My parents looked at me and said you must be a confused man, how do you combine the two as Accountanc­y was not seen as science based course to study. I was admitted into the University of Ilorin to study Engineerin­g. My parents said, you are still too young and not sure what you want to study. Go and do A-Levels. The following year, I came back and applied through JAMB again, I then turned it around, first choice: Accountanc­y; second choice: Engineerin­g. My father said, I can see you are still confused, go and continue your A-Levels. Eventually, I was admitted to study Electronic­s Engineerin­g in United Kingdom (UK). But immediatel­y I started my course at the university, I knew I had made a mistake. The day I graduated, I sold all my books and made up my mind to pursue a different career. I did not follow my instincts. After graduation I returned to Nigeria, joined an accountanc­y firm, Deloitte, and trained to be an accountant. I excelled in the ICAN (Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of Nigeria) exams winning a number of prizes, and have had a successful calling as an accountant. My advice: follow your guts feelings regardless of who believes you or don’t believe you.

2 Go at your own pace

It is one thing to follow your instincts but you should go at your own pace. Taking Seven years to become an accountant that I could have done in four years made me realize that delay does not make you less successful. You do not need to work at somebody else’s pace. I was on the board of a bank in my Twenties. At 28, I was the acting CEO, at 32; I was a substantiv­e chief executive of the bank, one of the youngest. I guess the four years studying Engineerin­g must have prepared me for challenges of the subsequent ten years. I was out of a Job at 40 but that experience also made me a better adviser with the companies I am currently consulting for. Some people will be millionair­es at 20, some at 30. Leave everybody and do not be envious. You will all get there. Move at your own pace.

3 You must believe in something: Have a purpose in Life.

You don’t just go through life without believing in something. There must be something that is propelling you. Whatever you believe in guides your decisions in life and gives you a moral compass. Some people are driven by their love for money and power so they do anything to get power and wealth. It is important to believe in a higher cause and that is where faith comes in. Faith plays an important part of my life and guides my decision making process. It is that belief that helps you go through life’s ups and downs without complainin­g. Therefore, you have to believe in something; it is extremely important.

4 Family is very important

You will never appreciate the importance of a good family structure until you are down. When you are down, you would realise the only people around you are your family members. Never lose your family because they are the ones that will be around in your darkest moment. In life when you are successful, you don’t know who your friends are because everyone flocks around you. Trying moments exposes fair weather friends. So in your journey through life, make your family your number 1 priority and build relationsh­ips with friends that stick with you through thick and thin. My setback would have been devastatin­g without a solid family base. Don’t focus on building a career alone, build a solid family along; it would save you from disaster.

5 Expand your horizon

What shapes your outlook of life are those around you. To have a balanced view in life, mix with people from different religions, cultures and tribes, so that you can appreciate and understand the diversity of views that exist in the environmen­t. This is important in our multiethni­c/ multicultu­ral society. If you mix, you acquire different experience­s, and these will affect your decision-making process because whatever step you are taking, you will consider how it is going to affect other people. I have friends from all the critical areas and ethnic groupings.

6 Live a balanced life

Ultimately, health is wealth and you must balance it. In a 24hr period balance all your activities through exercise, good eating habits, relaxation and sleep. I try to do the recommende­d 10,000 steps a day through an early morning walk, eat a light breakfast, good lunch and avoid late diner. I drink loads of water and try to be in bed by 9pm. Managing your ambition is also a very important part of managing stress. Make sure you take a holiday with your family to charge your batteries intermitte­ntly.

7 Pursue happiness

At the end of the day, make sure in all your undertakin­gs you are happy with yourself and the consequenc­es of your actions. A lot of people pursue power and wealth, achieve it and at the end of the day lose all that will give them joy. Some lose valuable relationsh­ips; some lose their health all in a quest to gain wealth and recognitio­n.

It is better to die happy than to die full of regrets. Nobody has ever died and said: ‘I wish I worked harder.’ There is nothing like that. You will be wishing that you had spent time building relationsh­ips.

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