As House of Representa­tives Probes OPL 245…

Oil Prospectin­g Lease (OPL) 245 was one of the oil blocks awarded to Nigerians by the administra­tion of the late General Sani Abacha. After the initial revocation and restoratio­n of the block to Malabu Oil and Gas Company (MOGC) by former President Oluseg


During the administra­tion of the late General Sani Abacha, many oil blocks were awarded to Nigerian companies and individual­s. One of such acreages was Oil Prospectin­g Lease (OPL) 245 awarded in 1998 to Malabu Oil and Gas Company (MOGC), believed to be owned by Abacha’s Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Mr. Dan Etete.

OPL 245 is a deepwater acreage estimated to contain over one billion barrels of oil.

After it was awarded the block, Malabu had entered into a binding Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) with Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited (SNUD) to exploit the block with SNUD as technical partner to the venture.

Revocation by Obasanjo

As Malabu and Shell were working on the licence area, the block was revoked by the administra­tion of President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2001and reallocate­d to SNUD in 2002 under a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) arrangemen­t.

The re-award of the block to Shell had raised concerns as it was alleged that Shell might have worked against Malabu’s interest to engineer the revocation, having worked as the technical partner to Malabu and discovered the huge potentials in the block.

However, some key actors in Obasanjo’s administra­tion were also alleged to have facilitate­d the revocation after Malabu allegedly turned down their request to clinch a stake in the plum asset.

Be that as it may, it was curious that OPL 245 was the only block awarded by the Abacha regime, which was revoked on the ground that it did not follow due process, while the other blocks awarded by the same regime strangely followed due process.

Angered by the revocation, Malabu had petitioned the House of Representa­tives Committee on Petroleum and after a public hearing, the House recommende­d that the block be restored to Malabu.

As the House interventi­on was ongoing, Malabu also sued the federal government and Shell at the Federal High Court in Suit No FHC/ABJ/ CS/420/2003 claiming several declarator­y reliefs.

However, the court struck out the suit but on appeal, the parties were said to have entered into a settlement dated November 30, 2006, which were executed by Obasanjo’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Chief Bayo Ojo (SAN).

Return of Block to Malabu

In accordance with the terms of settlement, former President Obasanjo in 2006, rescinded his earlier revocation and restored the block to Malabu via a letter signed by the then Minister of State for Energy and the current Amanyanabo of Nembe Kingdom in Bayelsa State, His Majesty, King Edmund Daukoru.

Also, in the said letter of restoratio­n to Malabu, Chief Ojo was said to have emphasised that no further adjudicati­on on the matter would be entertaine­d.

While Shell was said to have been offered another block as compensati­on by the federal government, Malabu was also directed to pay the federal government about $200 million as signature bonus within 12 months.

Unfortunat­ely, Shell was said to have spent over $500million to ‘de-risk’ the block and had also discovered oil in commercial quantity, having worked as the Production Sharing Contractor to the federal government.

Having spent such huge resources under the arrangemen­t it had with the federal government, it was not surprising that Shell became aggrieved over the revocation by the Obasanjo’s regime.

Consequent­ly, the oil giant was said to have commenced Arbitratio­n proceeding­s at the Internatio­nal Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) claiming over $2 billion from the federal government for breach of contract, loss of investment and special damages.

Interventi­on of Jonathan’s Administra­tion

It was at this stage that the former President Goodluck Jonathan inherited the protracted dispute between Shell and Malabu over the ownership of the block.

By the terms of the settlement brokered by the administra­tion of former President Jonathan, about $1,092,040 was paid by Shell Nigeria Exploratio­n and Production Company Nigeria Limited (SNEPCO) and Nigeria Agip Exploratio­n Limited (NAE) into an escrow account to settle Malabu Oil and Gas, to enable Shell take over the block from the Nigerian firm.

Giving the account of the OPL 245 dispute in a recent letter to the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice under President Jonathan’s administra­tion, Mr. Mohammed Adoke, stated that it was in the face of the arbitratio­n proceeding­s instituted by Shell that he “encouraged a definitive resolution between the parties who themselves had expressed an intention to settle but were untrusting of each other, given their antecedent­s.”

According to Adoke, the title on OPL 245 at the date of settlement by the Obasanjo’s regime in 2006 and the Resolution Agreement in 2011 vested exclusivel­y in Malabu subject only to the terms and conditions in the allocation.

Adoke argued that the interest of the federal government at the time of resolution in 2011 was to ensure the payment of the signature bonus on the block and that the block was developed to enable the country earn revenue through royalty and taxes.

He also maintained that consistent with Nigerian law governing oil and gas and the allocation of oil blocks, the signature bonus due and payable to the federal government amounting to $210 million was duly paid and acknowledg­ed.

“The taxes and royalties associated with oil produced from the block are also now being paid. This is contrary to the lies and misinforma­tion being peddled that Nigeria was short changed in the transactio­n,” he added.

Adoke also informed the vice president that any responsibl­e Attorney General of the Federation would have done what he did to safeguard the interest of the country and avoid a liability that potentiall­y stood against the country.

N’Assembly’s Current Probe

Despite what seems like the best effort of the Jonathan’s administra­tion to settle the protracted dispute out-of-court, the House of Representa­tives under the current administra­tion of President Muhammadu Buhari recently set up an ad hoc committee to investigat­e what the lawmakers described as alleged corruption, malpractic­es and breach of due process in the award of OPL 245.

The seventh House of Representa­tives under President Jonathan had conducted similar investigat­ion but did not present their report, apparently due to the resolution of the matter by the Jonathan’s administra­tion.

Operators in the sector have described as strange, the current decision of the 8th House to re-open investigat­ion into an oil block awarded in 1998, which has been resolved after several litigation­s in Nigerian courts, as well as internatio­nal arbitratio­n.

At the beginning of the investigat­ive session, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC), AA Oil and Gas and Malabu Oil had shunned the committee.

Also a former Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Chief Richard Akinjide (SAN), had written to the committee on behalf of Shell insisting that the House had no power to investigat­e the matter.

According to some oil and gas operators, the lawmakers are insisting that the $1.1 billion paid by Shell and Agip for OPL 245 was meant for the federal government, when it is a common knowledge that the only entitlemen­t of the federal government in the award of oil block is signature bonus, while the beneficiar­y of the award (in this case, Malabu) is entitled to the full value of the block ($1.1 billion) if it divests its stake.

Condemnati­on Trails Fresh Investigat­ion

Apart from Akinjide’s protest letter on behalf of Shell, a former Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriat­ion, Hon. Abdulmumun­i Jibrin, had also berated the House for reopening investigat­ion into OPL 245, describing it as a ploy to extort the parties involved.

In a recent chat with journalist­s to mark the 100 days anniversar­y of his travails in the House, Jibrin, who is serving 180-day suspension, had also accused the House of embarking on a wild goose chase with legislativ­e probes.

According to him, the probes were designed for ulterior motives, particular­ly to extort money from firms and stakeholde­rs.

He alleged that the lower chamber initiated investigat­ions into issues to intimidate government officials and businessme­n to create room for bribery.

Also, the Niger Delta Nationalit­ies Forum in Lagos recently urged President Buhari to intervene in the protracted dispute involving OPL 245, stressing that it is an act of injustice that the only oil block awarded to an indigene of Niger Delta by the late General Abacha has become a source of unending dispute.

The Chairman of the Forum, Mr. Seigha Manager, had told journalist­s in Lagos that the people of the region were grateful to the late General Sani Abacha for creating Bayelsa State and allocating three oil blocks to the deserving Nigerian citizens from the South-east, North-east and South-south (Niger Delta).

He identified the three oil blocks as OPLs 244, OPL 245 and OPL 246. According to him, OPL 245 was the only oil block allocated to a Niger Delta citizen.

“While the other two have enjoyed peace and tranquilit­y in the hands of their owners, that of the Niger Delta citizen, OPL 245, is akin to a bird standing on a tiny rope. Neither the bird nor the rope has seen peace till date. It is the only oil block that every passing regime has poked into simply because the allotee is a Niger Deltan. It is the only oil block that has been allocated, cancelled, later returned to the allottee and then is under probe at any given time. All of this is happening because the allottee is from the Niger Delta, yet the owner does not fall in the bracket of rich persons in Nigeria not to talk of Africa. There are other issues like that,” Manager said.

He urged President Buhari as a man of integrity to intervene in the OPL 245 matter.

Industry stakeholde­rs have argued that it is still strange that OPL 245 was the only block awarded during the military regime that was singled out for probes.

According to them, the unending allegation­s of corruption on a block awarded as far back as 1998 and probes by successive administra­tions have portrayed Nigeria as very corrupt nation that cannot conduct her oil and gas business transparen­tly.

They have also insisted that the way the allegation is rehearsed by every administra­tion as if it were a fresh case of corruption in the award of oil blocks, is a disincenti­ve to investors willing to invest in Nigeria’s acreages.

The stakeholde­rs alleged that the motive of investigat­ors under successive administra­tions in probing this transactio­n has become suspect.

 ??  ?? Speaker House of Representa­tive, Dogara
Speaker House of Representa­tive, Dogara
 ??  ?? Minister of State Petroleum, Kachikwu
Minister of State Petroleum, Kachikwu

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