National Health Act: NMA Threatens FG with Court Action


Paul Obi

The Nigerian Medical Associatio­n (NMA) yesterday said it would soon head to court over the inability of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administra­tion to implement the National Health Act since its inception.

The associatio­n also pledged to join the wave of protest that has engulfed the country in this week.

The doctors who took to the streets of Abuja metropolis carried out a protest walk to the seat of government, Aso Rock to protest the none implementa­tion of the National Health Act.

Though they were not allowed to go beyond the main entrance of the Three arm zone, the doctors vow to pursue legal action should President Buhari fails to implement the National Health Act in the 2017 budget.

The doctors who were stopped by a team of security personnel attached to the Aso Rock gate also told journalist­s that NMA will commence bi-weekly protest walk to the seat of power until their demand is meant.

NMA President, Prof. Mike Ogirima who led the protest walk as part of the programme lined up to mark this year’s Annual Physicians week in Abuja explained that “the National Health Act was signed into law in 2014 and since then, the government has failed to implement the law, which provides that not less than one per cent from the consolidat­ed revenue fund be set aside for basic health care provision funds.

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