Nike Oshinowo’s Rising Profile


Nike Oshinowo first hit the limelight when she emerged Miss Nigeria at 24 in 1990. About 24 years after, she has remained in the warm embrace of stardom, thereby making her arguably the most- talked about beauty queen in the history of Nigeria. Typical of someone who is constantly seeking relevance, the celebrated entreprene­ur, ex- pageant director, style icon, socialite and television presenter, last year, announced her plans to start a talk show tagged Late Night With Nike Oshinowo. In particular, many existing talk show hosts had been slightly jittery owing to her influence, power and connection. They were, therefore, forced to go back to the drawing board. Yet, a group of people had expressed doubts that it might not fly. Interestin­gly, events in the past few months have shown that the ex- beauty queen actually did her homework very well before she hit the ground running. All she needed to prove cynics wrong was the first season of the show which wound up recently. It has proved to be an instant hit. The programme has great appeal. As she warms up to launch the second season of the soar- away show, she has been telling whoever cares to listen to expect more surprises next season. Oshinowo has her hands in many pies that have been successful, little wonders her rivals have been jittery and envious of her success.

The ex- beauty queen was once married to Dr. Tunde Soleye, a renowned businessma­n and socialite. However, since the marriage broke up due to irreconcil­able difference­s, she has moved on.

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Nike Oshinowo

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