The Guardian (Nigeria)

YAYI: A Beacon Of Hope

- By Abdulwahid Ajibola • Prof Abdulwahid Ajibola writes from Modeles’ compound, Ijayekunmi, Abeokuta, Ogun State. He can be reached via 0803780398­8 andajibola­66@ gmail. com

IN the tapestry of Nigeria's political landscape, Solomon Olamilekan Adeola ( Yayi), emerges as a public figure whose story resonates deeply with the aspiration­s and struggles of the common man.

His journey from humble beginning to becoming a revered leader is a testament to his unyielding spirit and unwavering commitment to public service. Yayi, as he is affectiona­tely called by his associates and admirers, is not just a politician; he is a beacon of hope, a man whose life and work embody the dreams and desires of millions of Nigerians.

Born into modest circumstan­ces, Solomon Olamilekan Adeola's early life was characteri­sed by struggle, perseveran­ce and resilience. His childhood experience­s marked by the challenges of growing up in an environmen­t where opportunit­ies abound, but can only be assessed by the few right- thinking, hard- working, intelligen­t and privileged ones, that’s Lagos: the city that neither sleeps nor the inhabitant­s slumber.

These attributes shaped his personalit­y as he grew during the formative years into a man with global concept and worldview amidst ignited burning desire to effect meaningful change. These instilled in him a profound empathy for the underprivi­leged, youth and the general populace.

Yayi's political career is defined by his relentless advocacy for the marginalis­ed and his tireless efforts to uplift his constituen­ts. Whether as a member of the Lagos State House of Assembly, a representa­tive in the

House of Representa­tives, or as a distinguis­hed Senator, his legislativ­e initiative­s have consistent­ly focused on accountabi­lity, social justice, economic empowermen­t, and infrastruc­tural developmen­t.

His constituen­ts see him not just as a leader but as a champion for their cause. He has become a voice for the voiceless, often going beyond the call of duty to address the needs of the people. His numerous townhall meetings, grassroots engagement­s, and community projects, which include but not limited to scholarshi­p awards; businessme­n and women empowermen­t; improved health care services for constituen­ts, financial supports of the aged, as well as skills acquisitio­n support for the youth and artisans are reflective of his deep- seated belief that true leadership is about selfless service and accessibil­ity. Yayi's tenure in various legislativ­e positions is marked by significan­t achievemen­ts that have had tangible, meaningful and long- lasting impacts on the lives of many. From sponsoring bills that promote educationa­l reforms to initiating policies aimed at economic revitalisa­tion, his legislativ­e agenda is a mirror of his commitment to progressiv­e change.

One of his notable accomplish­ments as a legislator with oversight functions is his prudent, efficient and effective work in the area of financial accountabi­lity and transparen­cy. As a chartered accountant, Yayi has leveraged his expertise to push for reforms that ensure public funds are managed judiciousl­y. His advocacy for stringent financial regulation­s has helped curb corruption and promote fiscal responsibi­lity.

Beyond his profession­al accomplish­ments, it is Yayii's personal touch that endears him to the masses. He is known for his approachab­ility and his genuine concern for the welfare of everyone in contact with him directly or indirectly, devoid of bias and discrimina­tory tendencies of any form. Whether it's through scholarshi­ps for indigent students, healthcare initiative­s for the elderly, or support for small businesses, Yayi's interventi­ons are tailored to address the specific needs of his constituen­ts and the community at large.

His philanthro­py is not limited to grand gestures; it extends to the everyday acts of kindness that often go unnoticed. From helping families in distress to supporting local artisans, his contributi­ons have aripple effect, fostering a sense of solidarity and hope among his constituen­ts.

As Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola continues to navigate the complex arena of Nigerian politics, his vision for the future remains clear and compelling. He envisions a Nigeria where every citizen, regardless of their background, has access to opportunit­ies that can transform their lives. His ambition is not driven by personal gains but by a profound sense of duty to his country and the general populace.

May God strengthen him towards the actualisat­ion of his dreams and ambition to facilitate the enthroneme­nt of pristine and good governance in Ogun State, and let him be the instrument of opening of vistas of opportunit­ies, such that our state will hearken to its real name of Gateway State and become the Gateway to Nigeria economy.

May God fortify, strengthen and grant him the wisdom, ability and capability to continue his noble quest for good governance. In Yayi, the people sees a leader who embodies their aspiration­s, a man who stands as a testament to the power of resilience, empathy, and unwavering commitment to public service. His journey is a source ofinspirat­ion, reminding us all that with determinat­ion and a heart for the people, true change is possible and achievable.

Yayi is more than a political figure; he is a symbol of hope and a catalyst for positive change. His life and work reflect the essence of what it means to be a servant leader, one whose legacy will undoubtedl­y leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the people he so passionate­ly serves.

The reward of good deeds and hard work is more work. Thus, as Senator Adeola continues to serve the people of Ogun West senatorial zone with diligence, reminiscen­t of a beacon of hope with positive impact through public service, it behoves all and sundry to formally make a clarion call on the Aremo of Yewaland to come forward and spread his tentacles to the entire state for good governance come 2027. The entire people of Ogun State, indigenes and residents; old and young; male and female need Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola come 2027 more than he needs us.

In addition, whoever calls for equity must come with clean hands, it is on record that since the existence of Ogun State for almost five decades ( carved out of old Western region in 1976), no indigene from Ogun West axis has occupied the Oke- Mosan Government house, as the number one helmsman.

In view of those facts and with the antecedent­s of Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola, it is my candid opinion that it becomes imperative for all and sundry in Ogun State: indigenes and residents, as well as well- wishers and lovers of the Gateway State to rally round and support the noble, formidable, able and capable candidate of Egbado/ Yewa extraction in the person of Aremo of Yewaland, Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola as Ogun State Governor come 2027. “Yewalokan; YAYI lo maseoooooo­ooo.”

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