The Guardian (Nigeria)

Others Star In Deafening Silence

- By Eniola Daniel and Kehinde Olatunji

TEuropean Union ( EU) and the United Nations Developmen­t Programme ( UNDP) have indicated their resolve to leverage the power of art to combat sexual and gender based violence ( SGBV). This, they noted, is because of the potency of art as a driver of social transforma­tion.

The Spotlight Initiative aligns strongly with the government's gender priorities as well as the European Union and the United Nations Gender Action Points. The interventi­on is on gender equality, women's empowermen­t, and combating SGBV and Violence Against Women ( VAW).

Both bodies spoke at the premiere of the movie, Deafening Silence, a feature film on the theme of SGBV, now showing in cinemas across the country.

Starring celebrated actors such as Kate Henshaw, Chidi Mokeme, Femi Jacob, Daniel Etim- Effiong and others, the movie was premiered at the Ebony Life Place Cinema in Victoria Island, Lagos.

The joint EU- UN Spotlight

Initiative, funded by the EU, is a global, multi- year partnershi­p between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence and harmful practices against women and girls by 2030. It sought to pull together substantiv­e work that has been done around GEWE and SGBV, leveraging the power of storytelli­ng and media to create a transforma­tive impact in Nigeria, a country where gender- based violence and harmful gender norms persist.

In Nigeria, the Spotlight Initiative was implemente­d in five states: Sokoto, Cross River, Lagos, Adamawa, and Ebonyi, as well as the Federal Capital Territory ( FCT) and ended in December 2023.

The film seeks to raise awareness and inspire action to combat GBV, promoting a society where gender equality and empowermen­t are fundamenta­l values.

Deafening Silence is in three components: Film: A compelling, impactful, and thought- provoking movie that will spark broader discussion­s in Nigeria about gender equality, empowermen­t, sexual and genderbase­d violence, and violence against women. This movie will captivate audiences emotionall­y and intellectu­ally, providing a forum for critical debate and action.

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