The Guardian (Nigeria)

Anambra commission­er denies responsibi­lity for insecurity


ANAMBRA State Commission­er for Homeland Security, Chikodili Anara, has denied allegation levelled against him by the Indigenous People of Biafra ( IPOB) that he is using operatives of Anambra Vigilante Service to cause insecurity in the state.

IPOB had, through a statement signed by its spokespers­on, Emma Powerful, levelled numerous allegation­s against Anara.

But briefing journalist­s in Awka, the commission­er revealed that IPOB and Powerful were on a blackmail mission after several attempts to extort money from him.

The commission­er also named two of his kinsmen ( names withheld) as those sponsoring Powerful against him after he wrote a petition against them over a murder charge, for which they were arrested and detained before they allegedly bribed their way out and fled the country.

The commission­er said: “In 2022, Emma Powerful called me and told me he had a story against me. He demanded that I paid him money to drop the publicatio­n. He later called again and told me the same story, which I ignored.

“He has been out to blackmail me, and has been calling me since then. I have told him that I will never pay him.

“Today, his friends and two of his brothers, who are involved in a murder case here in Isuaniocha, Awka North Council, are sponsoring him to write against me.

“I am not surprised about the write- up. The truth is that Powerful is doing a paid job. I have severally invited him if he is genuine; if he thinks he can help solve the problem of insecurity we are facing in the state, to come for a meeting.

“I need to inform Powerful that the Anambra Vigilante Group ( AVG) has existed for many years before I came into office, and was not created because of IPOB, which is a new and recent creation.”

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