Daily Trust

Netanyahu creating ‘obstacles’ to Gaza talks – Hamas


The Palestinia­n group Hamas on Monday accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of obstructin­g negotiatio­ns for a truce and hostage release in Gaza as mediators again push for a deal.

The devastatin­g war in the Palestinia­n territory began in October 2023 but back-and-forth negotiatio­ns have failed to end it.

In a statement, Hamas said the Israeli prime minister “continues to place more obstacles in front of the negotiatio­ns”.

The movement accused Netanyahu of escalating “his aggression and crimes against our people” in what it said were “attempts to forcibly displace them in order to thwart all efforts to reach an agreement”.

As heavy battles raged in Gaza City on Monday, the Israeli military expanded its evacuation order in the territory’s north, leaving thousands of Palestinia­ns on the move.

Netanyahu’s office reiterated in a statement on Sunday that, “Any deal will allow Israel to return and fight until all the goals of the war are achieved.”

With the exception of a oneweek truce in November, which saw 80 Israeli hostages freed in exchange for 240 Palestinia­ns held in Israeli prisons, talks have repeatedly foundered over difference­s between the parties.

Mediators Egypt and Qatar were due to host new meetings this week, according to officials.

An official with knowledge of the mediation said US Central Intelligen­ce Agency (CIA) director William Burns would also go to Qatar this week.

Hamas has signalled it would drop its insistence on a “complete” ceasefire, a demand Israel has repeatedly rejected.

In its statement on Monday, the group said it had shown “flexibilit­y and positivity to facilitate reaching an agreement” and urged mediators to end what it called “Netanyahu’s tricks and crimes”.

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