Daily Trust

Suspected Outbreak Of Viral Hemorrhagi­c Fever (Lassa Fever) At The 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna

- — Muhammad Lawal Shehu Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Kaduna State. 22nd February 2024

The attention of the Kaduna State Government has been drawn to a suspected outbreak of Viral Hemorrhagi­c Fever popularly known as “Lassa Fever” at the 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital located in the capital city of Kaduna.

Governor Uba Sani on learning of this potentiall­y dangerous outbreak directed the Kaduna State Ministry of Health on 20th February 2024, to immediatel­y investigat­e and ascertain the situation at the health facility.

Consequent­ly,a surveillan­ce team was promptly mobilized to assess the situation and containmen­t measures were initiated alongside the hospital management.

Lassa Fever,generally infects victims with the following symptoms - fever, general body weakness and after a few days, headache, sore throat, muscle pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, and abdominal pain may follow.

Currently, four deaths have been recorded all within the hospital premises while three other patients with similar symptoms are currently being managed.

The Kaduna State Ministry of Health and management of 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, are working assiduousl­y to contain the situation as all those who came in contact with those infected have been identified and are closely being monitored while receiving urgent medical treatment.

Furthermor­e, samples have been carefully collected from contacts and sent for confirmati­on to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control laboratory and are closely being followed up.

Additional­ly, all Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures have been instituted at the facility while it remains closed to the public,until full containmen­t has been achieved.

Members of the public are hereby advised to maintain proper food and environmen­tal hygiene as they remain hyper vigilant to immediatel­y report any suspected cases of Lassa Fever to the nearest health facility.

Kaduna State Ministry of Health has further been directed to enhance surveillan­ce across the state in collaborat­ion with local government heath department­s.

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