Daily Trust

Nigeria experienci­ng stalled per capita growth, poverty, food insecurity – IMF

Advises complete phase out of fuel, electricit­y subsidies

- By Sunday Michael Ogwu oil theft.

Following a detailed assessment, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) has said Nigeria is experienci­ng stalled per-capita growth, high poverty levels and significan­t food insecurity amid efforts by President Bola Tinubu’s administra­tion to implement crucial structural reforms.

This was part of the conclusion of the IMF’s Executive Board Post Financing Assessment (PFA) which endorsed the staff appraisal, confirming Nigeria’s adequate capacity to repay the fund a $3.4bn loan approved in 2020, but pointed out several areas needing urgent attention.

According to the statement from the IMF: “Like many other countries, Nigeria faces a difficult external environmen­t and wide-ranging domestic challenges. External financing (market and official) is scarce and global food prices have surged, reflecting the repercussi­ons of conflict and geo-economic fragmentat­ion.

“Per-capita growth in Nigeria has stalled, poverty and food insecurity are high, exacerbati­ng the cost-of-living crisis. Low reserves and very limited fiscal space constrain the authoritie­s’ option space.”

Economic challenges outlook,

The IMF also noted that despite exiting the COVID19-induced recession swiftly, Nigeria’s economic growth had been sluggish, barely keeping

pace with the population’s growth.

The reliance on the hydrocarbo­n economy has been a significan­t drag on overall growth. Security concerns, especially in the Northern region, have severely impacted agricultur­e and food security, with 25 million Nigerians (13 per cent of the population) currently facing food insecurity.

The poverty rate stood at 37 per cent in 2022, underscori­ng the severity of the economic challenges.

The IMF projected a slight improvemen­t in growth to 2.9 per cent for 2023 and three per cent in 2024, contingent on better hydrocarbo­n sector performanc­e and control over

IMF’s recommenda­tions

The IMF’s Executive Board acknowledg­ed the strong start by the new administra­tion in addressing deep-rooted structural issues. The focus on price stability, fiscal responsibi­lity and revenue mobilisati­on was commended.

However, Nigeria’s battle against a difficult external environmen­t, low reserves and limited fiscal space remains daunting.

The IMF underscore­d the importance of monetary tightening and fiscal adjustment­s to restore macroecono­mic stability.

The government’s ambition to digitise and improve revenue collection is seen as crucial for enhancing public service delivery and ensuring fiscal sustainabi­lity.

Moreover, the IMF advised on the complete phase out of fuel and electricit­y subsidies, which are costly and inefficien­t, advocating for targeted support to the most vulnerable population­s through social transfers.

As Nigeria navigates through these challengin­g times, the IMF’s assessment and recommenda­tions offer a roadmap for sustainabl­e growth and stability.

The emphasis on comprehens­ive reforms, fiscal discipline, and targeted support for the vulnerable underscore­s the complex balancing act required to address Nigeria’s economic dilemmas.

 ?? ?? „ President Tinubu
„ President Tinubu

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