Daily Trust

Netanyahu and his new nemesis

- By Hassan Sani Indabawa Continued on www.dailytrust.com Indabawa is the Chairman, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), Kano State chapter

Israel’s Zionist regime, under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu has, by the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinia­ns, revealed the murderous nature of Zionism; as being far worse than Nazism.

The ongoing disproport­ionate military campaign by Israel, against Gaza and the West Bank, was launched after the October 7, 2023 attack against Israel, by Hamas. But it is obviously a well-orchestrat­ed genocide against Palestinia­ns, far worse than the holocaust.

According to Gaza officials, almost half of Gaza’s buildings have either been damaged or destroyed, and about 85 per cent of Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million people have fled their homes, most of them to the south, while more than 22,000 Palestinia­ns have been killed, majority of them women and children.

Outraged by this heartless and brutal military campaign being committed by Israel, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, recently disclosed that Netanyahu is a war criminal and the world must ensure that he faces trial at the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC).

In a speech to an Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n (OIC) Committee meeting in Istanbul, in December, Erdogan said the Western nations supporting Israel were giving it “unconditio­nal support to kill babies” and were complicit in its crimes.

“Beyond being a war criminal, Netanyahu, who is the butcher of Gaza right now, will be tried as the butcher of Gaza, just as Milosevic was tried.” Erdogan said, in reference to Yugoslav ex-President Slobodan Milosevic, who was tried for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes at a tribunal in The Hague.

Some would argue that with the unflinchin­g and criminal support of the US for Israel, Netanyahu may not be probed or tried. It might be true, but history establishe­d that no matter how long it takes, every criminal act of a tyrannical leader, meets with a correspond­ing recompense. Israel is just 76 years old as a nation, and the USA is 247 years old.

Far stronger nations have had their epoch, with all the attending might and grandeur, but are now weak — militarily, politicall­y and economical­ly. Some have even been forgotten by history entirely.

The Ottoman Empire, for instance, had ruled the world for over 600 years; Roman Empire, 499 years; Byzantine Empire, 1,123 years; Abyssinian Empire, 665 years etc... The Roman Empire ended with the fall of Constantin­ople (Istanbul) in 1453 CE.

Taking this historical context into perspectiv­e, where then lies the power and invincibil­ity of both Israel and the USA?

It is already obvious that the US is in a decline mode. China, Russia, India and perhaps Turkey are emerging to challenge the US’s dominance in economy, military and politics. The West’s inspired “democracy”, as a political template for “less developed” nations to imbibe, has turned out to be a curse, rather than a blessing.

Most of the developing nations practising “democracy” are yet to attain Uhuru! The western-inspired political theory largely results in social disharmony, economic stagnation, endemic corruption and political retrogress­ion in most of the “Third-World” countries practicing Western democracy.

On the other hand, we see how China, Russia and Iran are performing with their homegrown political systems despite all the US and Western European imposed economic sanctions and political subversion.

With the US warmongeri­ng and her double standards in world affairs, many developing countries are shifting their foreign policies and developmen­tal aspiration­s elsewhere. While Israel’s current bloodletti­ng against the hapless Palestinia­ns has not only failed to achieve the goal of total exterminat­ion of the Palestinia­ns, it has instead, exposed the Netanyahu’s racist and murderous policy against the Arabs.

To underscore the dissent of Israel’s murderous campaign against the Palestinia­ns, dozens of countries around the world have cut off diplomatic relations with the apartheid state. Belize, this week, became the latest to take action in protest Israel’s tactics, following the footsteps of several countries in the Middle East, Africa and a number of government­s in Latin America.

South Africa announced last week that it was recalling all its diplomats from Tel Aviv “for consultati­on.” The South African government cited several reasons for the move, including “the refusal of the Israeli

This generation of oppressed and traumatise­d victims of Israel’s brutal occupation and their worldwide supporters, together with all those who stand for justice, are to become the nemesis of both Israel and the USA in future

government to respect internatio­nal law” and its “genocidal airstrikes” against Palestinia­ns.

Chad recalled its chargé d’affaires to Israel earlier this month. “Chad condemns the loss of lives of many innocent civilians and calls for a ceasefire, leading to a lasting solution to the Palestinia­n question,” Chad’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement released on November 4, 2023.

Apart from these two African countries, Turkey, Jordan, Honduras, Columbia, Chile, Bolivia, Bahrain and lately Belize are the countries that either recalled their diplomats or entirely cut off relationsh­ips with the Zionist regime, in protest against the genocidal attacks against Palestinia­ns.

Nigeria, with the largest number of black Muslims, is yet to even condemn Netanyahu’s maniacal murder of Palestinia­ns.

In a lame and cautious statement, Nigeria called for a “ceasefire” and a “peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue.” Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs Minister, in a statement on October 7, 2023, said the Nigerian Government is “Deeply concerned about the outbreak of hostilitie­s between Israel and Hamas.”

Netanyahu has woefully failed in his murderous campaign to drive away the entire Palestinia­n population from Gaza and the West Bank to pave the way for his expansioni­st craving. The resilience of the Palestinia­n people has proved to be remarkable. Despite having lost over 20,000 lives and having over

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