Daily Trust

Lagos community gets 80-bed hospital

- From Abdullatee­f Aliyu, Lagos

The residents of Imota Local Council Developmen­t Area, yesterday came out in hundreds as the Speaker of the House of Representa­tives, Tajudeen Abbas, inaugurate­d the newly constructe­d 80-bed capacity maternal and child hospital in Imota, Lagos.

The hospital which was facilitate­d by the House of Representa­tives member, representi­ng Ikorodu Federal Constituen­cy, Babajimi Benson, was constructe­d by the Office of Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs).

Speaker Abbas said the hospital was not only about inaugurati­ng a building but also reaffirmin­g the government’s unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of all Nigerians.

The speaker lauded Benson for his dedication and relentless advocacy, which made the hospital project a reality.

He commended Benson’s commitment to the needs and well-being of the people of the constituen­cy, stating that it epitomizes the spirit of service and dedication that every legislator and public servant should emulate.

He noted that the newly commission­ed hospital was purposeful­ly designed for women and children and is aimed at addressing these challenges by targeting the most vulnerable members of the population.

He added that the hospital, equipped with state-of-theart facilities and equipment, is poised to provide essential maternal and child health services, tackle diseases, and respond to emergencie­s, thereby enhancing the lives of the people in the constituen­cy and Lagos at large.

He appealed to Nigerians to support the administra­tion of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as the legislativ­e arm of government is working hand-in-hand with all major stakeholde­rs to bring dividends of democracy to the people.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on (SDGs), Princess Adejoke OrelopeAde­fulire, assured the residents that the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu would be felt by all citizenry irrespecti­ve of status, class or tribe.

She stressed the commitment of the federal government in providing basic infrastruc­ture that will directly impact on the citizenry and bring developmen­t to the country.

Princess Orelope-Adefulire said the centre is fully equipped to provide adequate health service delivery for mother and child, adding that it is aimed at reducing the death rate during childbirth.

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