Daily Trust

How long does it take for objects to pass through the body?


Acollectio­n of stones, bottle caps and coins weighing 4.4lbs (2kg) have been pulled out of a man’s stomach.

The 54-year-old patient, who has not been identified, complained of pain in his stomach and sought help from medics.

Doctors noticed the man was bloated and could feel ‘something resembling small stones’ when they touched his abdomen.

Scans then showed mammoth build-up a of objects ‘occupying the whole stomach’ of the South Korean patient. A group of Australian doctors each swallowed a Piece of Lego as part of an odd experiment to work out how long it really takes for it to pass through the body.

As children are often rushed to hospital after swallowing small items, such as Lego, researcher­s from

Upon questionin­g, the man confessed he often ingested coins and pebbles the University of Melbourne enlisted the help of six medical profession­als and had them swallow the head of a Lego man.

The bizarre experiment, which the team branded ‘dedication to paediatric­s’, was published in the Journal of Paediatric and Child Health.

Participan­ts ingested a Lego head, after which it was a case of searching for the item in faeces, with the ‘search technique decided by the participan­t’.

The study found the small toy should be out within one to three days.

However, one patient never found the piece they swallowed in their faeces, searching for two weeks.

They added that although it is possible children’s digestion time would be different from an adult, there is no evidence to support this.

S ource: dailymail.co.uk

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